Chapter Three

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Once we arrived in Hogsmeade, I quickly went to the shops noted on the list I received from Professor Weasley, collecting all my basic essentials from ingredients for potions to my very own wand. A 13-inch wand made from Elderwood with a dragon heartstring core. "A powerful wand for a powerful witch." Mr. Ollivander had cheerfully said. If only he knew...
Sebastian had told me that he would meet me back at the town circle and mentioned that he had to get something for his twin sister Anne. I was quite surprised when he told me about her. Although he was vague, I could tell that he cares for her deeply but also that something was seriously wrong. I couldn't help but notice, just for a second, the immense amount of pain and frustration behind that sly smirk of his.

From a distance, I could see him patiently waiting for me in front of the infamous Three Broomsticks, his head occasionally whipping in each direction until his eyes finally landed on me and his smile grew. "There you are, I was starting to get a bit worried. Thought I might need to come rescue you." He smiled. "Did you get everything you needed for Anne?" I asked, closely monitoring his expression. He simply nodded, "I guess this calls for a well-deserved butterbeer."
When we entered The Three Broomsticks we were greeted by the owner, Sirona Ryan. She exchanged a sincere smile with Sebastian before looking my way. "Well, there's a face I haven't seen before." I took a seat next to him. "Oh, it's my first time here." She nodded and casted two floating butterbeers our way. "This one's on me then." She left us with a warm smile before turning to check on her other clients. As Sebastian and I were in the middle of our conversation and still in the middle of enjoying our butterbeers, the door flung open while two men lazily strutted in. "Rookwood and Harlow." I heard someone gasp behind me. Rookwood? My eyes immediately darted towards him. He stared at me with a dumbfounded look.
What is he doing? This is not part of the plan. I monitored the expressions of those around me, after years of terrorizing the locals I could tell not a single soul was unfamiliar with the top hat-wearing thug and his goons.

He quickly looked away from me, now focusing on Sirona who was standing with her wand readied instead. He held up his hands in surrender. "My apologies Sirona, no need for theatrics." And with that he shot me a final glance before leaving, with Harlow close on his heels. Sirona stared at their backs with a confused look as the two heavy wooden doors slammed shut behind them. I knew what she was thinking, it wasn't like him to simply turn away that easily. Completely out of character and drawing unwanted attention. As I looked over to Sebastian, I noticed his demeanour had also completely changed. Instead of his usual grin and confident composure that always accompanied him, his face was riddled with confusion, his brows furrowed in anger and his knuckles as white as snow as he gripped his butterbeer. "We better get back to the dormitories." he muttered.
It seems I was going to have a bit more trouble completing my task than I had bargained for.

Once we arrived at the Slytherin common room via Floo powder, he bid me an abrupt goodnight and told me he would see me again tomorrow. I stared at Sebastian's back, watching as he headed directly up the stairs to the boys' dormitories. Ominis walked up to me, "Was that Sebastian? Is something the matter?" I instinctively shrugged my shoulders before the silence that followed reminded me of Ominis' condition. "Oh uhm, yes. It was Sebastian. His mood suddenly changed when Rookwood and Harlow entered The Three Broomsticks as we were having some butterbeer." He nodded. "Well, that explains it. Good evening." Before I could utter another word, he had also disappeared into the dormitories.

As the clock echoed through the halls to indicate that it was officially midnight, I slowly got out of bed. After checking to see all three of my roommates in deep slumber, I reached into my bedside table for my quill and some parchment.
In the dim moonlight, I began to write:


Meet me tomorrow evening just outside of Hogsmeade. It seems we need to specify the terms of our deal once more.


The following day started off with Herbology. The greenhouses were beautiful, completely overtaken by trees and flowers that I had never even seen or heard of. The sound of a few Chinese Chomping Cabbages tearing apart a wooden dummy could be heard from the class opposite mine. As I walked in, I was met with a hearty smile, two red pigtails and a body of green. "Hello! You must be the new student!" She smiled excitedly. "I'm Professor Garlick. Everyone, please welcome the newest rose in our garden!" She gestured to an open seat before making her way to the back of the class. I noticed Sebastian smiling at me from his table as I tried to supress the blush that was creeping up on my cheeks. I was glad to see his mood had at least improved.
After learning about dittany and its healing properties as well as nearly losing my hearing from pulling out a mandrake that was a bit too mature, the class was finally dismissed. I watched as the students walked past me, excitedly making their way to the next class.

"Come with me."Sebastian whispered as he walked behind me.

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