Chapter Eleven

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Before sneaking my way back to the dormitories, I sat at Victor's side and held him company until the moon was slowly starting to return to its hiding place behind the mountains. An always arrogant bastard of a man had turned into nothing but a lonely soul in pain, abused by power. His loyalty and dedication to Ranrok has proven nothing but useless though he refused to admit it, finding comfort in denial. I told him in lengthy detail about the book and how we were just one step away from everything falling into place. He soon disappeared with the wind, his intimidating aura left behind in shards between the tall grass.

Weeks passed as I snuck out every evening, scanning every corner in the hope of discovering the castle's secrets. I knew the dungeons would be the best place to search for any hidden doors and compartments but returned unsuccessful to my four-poster bed each time. Things between me and Ominis had never been better, for the moment the friendship grew strong on the basis of understanding and shared secrets. Sebastian however was deeply invested in nothing but his own plans. Often times I would hear him arguing with Ominis, ending with him blinded by fury and Ominis crippled with sadness.

"He still firmly believes that dark magic is the only solution to helping Anne." Ominis sighed. It was only the two of us as we sat on a bench at the edge of the castle grounds. "Well... is it?" I could sense his body tense up as soon as the words left my mouth. "I would think that you, of all people, would know that dark magic is never a solution to anything." He spat, clearly no longer frustrated with Sebastian alone. "I know but what if I helped him? I know my way around it. I mean, I don't know how to cast the unforgivable curses but maybe if I was there with him, I could make sure he stays safe?" The silence grew, only to be interrupted a minute later by two students zooming past on their brooms. "You can't be serious. Even as much as researching dark magic, you're already everything but safe. I didn't want to admit it but as things seem now, Sebastian is already too far gone." Ominis' voice cracked, tears welling up in his eyes. "I can't lose both of my best friends at the same time so please, just let him be." And with that he got up and walked away.

Later that afternoon as I had just finished the last of my potions homework in the Undercroft, Sebastian burst through the door clearly still in a bad mood. He stared at me with an unidentifiable expression on his face. "What were you doing with-" He cut himself off mid-sentence and shook his head. "Nevermind. Are you going to help me or are you siding with Ominis?" Crossing his arms in an impatient manner, he eyed me up and down awaiting an answer. "I'm not siding with anyone, but I'll help you." The words left before I had time to realize what I had just committed to but the sudden smile on Sebastian's face instantly washed my worries away. "Thank you." He whispered, making his way towards me. "Thank you." He whispered once more before gently placing a hand on my cheek and pulling me into a hug. My heart raced at the sudden contact, my mind flashing back to the moment we had shared in the library that has still gone without further discussion but it was quickly replaced with the thought of Ominis. Now that he knows even a smidge of my biggest secret, I couldn't afford to upset him. My trust started to waiver.

A mere second after Sebastian pulled away from the hug he started rambling, explaining in great detail of his theories for possible antidotes. "I need to find that relic but to do so, you must be willing to learn the three unforgivable curses. I can teach them to you." His face lit up, a broad smile appearing. "Teach me." I could feel the blood pulsing through my veins. As much as I knew the horror that these simple yet deadly curses could cause, my desire to be accepted within my family was far greater.

My desire to prove them wrong, my desire for power is far greater.

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