Chapter 1

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I feel sweat dripping from my forehead, there were so many infected roaming around me. I ran behind the counter and take a deep breath. I search my body to see if I had anything. All I pulled out was a pocket knife and a pistol with 5 bullets.

"Shit!" I whisper yell

How am I gonna make it through this without being ripped to shreads. I look around one more time to see what my surroundings look like. Before I did anything stupid and reckless. I try to find anything that would lore them away from the area I was in. There was a glass bottle, that was perfect!

I aimed far from where I am and threw the bottle and ducked down. I hear it shatter and wait for them to go away. I get up and start running fast, away from the infected. I think some are chasing me, CRAP! I didn't turn around for a while and just kept on running. Once I felt like I was going to pass out I stop and grab my pistol and get ready for anything to show up.

I hear one of them and start pointing my pistol towards that direction. It started running at me and I aimed at it's head and shot it. I realized that the infected could hear my pistol. I find my past trials from Jackson and ran that way. I get far enough to see the base and gave them the sign to open the gates.

They tell the people at the gates to open them. I start running a little more faster to get to the base. Once I got in, they closed the gates and I told them my status about the area I was just in. After that, I walked past the town to my house and took my shoes off and went to my bedroom to get clean clothes to change into.

I walk into my bathroom and took a quick warm shower. Than dried off and put my clothes on and hopped in bed. I stare at the ceiling and let my thoughts wonder off. I start to dose but then remember I promised my friend ellie that I would go to her house and hangout after my duties.

"Fuck she is gonna be so pissed!" I said

I jump out of bed and get some decent clothes on. I grab my shoes and tie them up really quick.  Than I walked out of my home.


        I was sitting down on my couch playing on my guitar while waiting for Y/n to come over. It was getting close to midnight and I figured she forgot or something. I didn't think much of it but I felt a bit hurt. I put my guitar away and set it down by the wall. I start walking to my bedroom and start to take my shoe off as I was about to get in bed. I hear a knock from the door.

      I rolled my eyes, went to my door, unlocked it, and opened the door...

         "Y/n?... W-What are doing here it's almost midnight!" I said

       "I know l'm so sorry, I was just distracted with getting home and how many infected were going to kill me!" She said to me with a worried

     "Wait what? Kill you, what area were you at?" I questioned

         "I was at a small building didn't look dangerous, so I went in and see if there was good loot. Then I hear two infected and hid behind a counter then more came an-!"

  "Y/n calm down! It's okay now you're here. Just get inside it's freezing." I say


    I'm glad she's not mad at me for being late. I was worried she was just going to tell me walk back home. I mean I don't know much about her I know that her and Joel came to Jackson and moved in since Tommy's brother is Joel. I hear some stories from her but I never knew how she got to Jackson.

       I hear a faint voice and start to stop listening to my thoughts.

       "Huh? Sorry just got distracted." I say

       "Well I was asking if you wanted a drink or not?" She asked

       "Ooh what kind do you got?" I respond

     "I have beer or wine." She says
                   "Uhm wine please." I say

        She pours a glass of wine for her and I and walks to me. She hands me a glass and we  hit our glasses and both took a drink. Later we were sitting on the couch. Just chatting about how our day was. Then it got quiet...

    "It's getting pretty late do you want to spend  the night?"

      I look at her and thinking if she was messing with me or if she was actually telling me the truth.

                        "Really!?!" I say
            "Yeah! You can sleep on my bed or the couch which ever you prefer." She says

               "The couch definitely." I say

       She gets up and grabs a couple of blankets and pillows and gives them to me I set it up and take my shoes off. I see Ellie walk to her room. She turned her head towards me and says

                     "Goodnight Y/n."

                            "Goodnight Ellie."
She turns off the lights and I look at the ceiling and closed my eyes and fell asleep.a

                          Chapter 1 over.....

This is the first chapter I will hopefully post the next chapter ethier this Friday or this weekend. Thank you for reading my story!

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