Kotone had the feeling she had intruded on a family moment but neither boy seemed to mind her presence and so she opts to smile again, happy to see Shin acting more carefree. It is very clear how close of a bond the two Kanzato brothers have, and it only makes it harder by seeing such a divide with their eldest. Though that is a matter for another time, right now she will enjoy the moment. Which becomes far easier as Shin now brings up looking through Jun's embarrassing stuff to which Jun seems initially unbothered until Shin mentions knowing it all which now makes Jun pout.

The brothers look through a photo album and reminisce of old times and Kotone finds herself smiling at the banter but feeling guilty, she decides to voice her concerns.

"I should probably go back inside so you two can go through stuff here" she says and is met with an arm reaching out and taking her own, the grip was gentle and turning her head she is met with Shin smiling her way.

"You can stay with us here" he says his grip now slowly leaving her arm.

"I don't want to intrude" she says while lowering her head a bit but keeping eye contact with Shin.

"You're welcome here" Jun says with a bright smile.

Kotone smiles back and joins the brothers on the floor. She sees pictures of Shin and Jun as well as a younger Ryo, a girl who she figures is Yuki due to her resemblance to Jun, their parents both smiling bright around their kids, though a girl on the side who she can tell is Eiko and Kotone notes how she both stands out yet fits into the picture. Jun seems to notice Kotone's lingering look as he comments on it out of the blue.

"Eiko-neechan, she's been around for pretty much our whole lives" he trails off as if looking for the right words then says "She's like a big sister"

Shin nods with a small smile though it seems to fade fast into a more contemplative look. Kotone places her hand onto his for a moment. He turns to face her and takes her hand in his. They make eye contact and soon both are smiling. Having forgotten Jun was there, he decides to make himself known by snickering softly behind a hand. This gets the two to face him and Shin to disconnect their hands much to her dismay.

"Oh, so that's how it is with you two" Jun says smiling while still stifling his snickers with a hand.

"N-no Jun that isn't it" Shin says fast his eyes widened.

Jun turns back to the shelf and grabs a book and begins to pull it down, "This is the book they wrote together right?"

Shin and Kotone walk over to see the book, Kotone pauses seeing the cover. It was the same book she saw Theo holding in the velvet room.

"A whale's feather, huh?" Shin says with a smile.

"It was the last book mom and dad wrote"

Why did Theo have a book that their parents wrote? Another thing she mentally stores away for later. She inwardly sighs at how long her mental list is getting.

The sound of a car pulling into the driveway gets the attention of the three as they move to see Ryo.

Jun does his best to invite Ryo to eat with them only for him to bluntly turn down said offer as he was only there to change. Though Jun mentioning none of them had eaten together yet seemed to get Ryo's attention.

Shin and Kotone sit by each other on one couch while Ryo sits on the next one over with Jun in the kitchen cooking.

"I started making it this morning, I wanted to surprise you all" Jun says from the kitchen, stirring a big pot of soup.

The three sit in silence as the tv is on, Kotone scoots closer to Shin and notices Ryo seem to turn to her a moment before promptly facing the tv again. This silence continues until Shin turns off the tv and turns to Ryo.

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