Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Kotone and Shin meet with the others and on the way to do karaoke they end up stopping for dinner first, much to Takuro's nervousness and Megumi's delight. They all take their seats at a nice round booth, steering away from the crowded atmosphere. Takuro and Kanaru on one side with Megumi placed towards the middle and Shin and Kotone on the other side.

Megumi decides to break the silence of everyone deciding what to order and says, "How was your first day you two?" looking to Shin and Kotone.

"Eventful..." Shin says looking down thoughtfully.

"When you finally woke up huh?" Kotone teases.

Shin gapes and tries to bury his face in his menu having been reminded of his embarrassing first impression at the new school.

This gets the other members of the table to laugh quietly amongst themselves.

"And you, Kotone?" Megumi asks after calming down a bit from her laugh.

"I like it there, just it's a lot bigger than I had expected"

A pause happens until Megumi places a finger to her chin and speaks up again saying, "You know, it's kind of like I'm third wheeling on a double date" she teases with a smile at the four others on either side of her.

Everyone else seems to startle for a moment. Takuro turns to Shin and Kotone, an idea coming to him.

"So" Takuro says giving Shin and Kotone a smirk "You two a thing?"

The two pause and turn at each other and appear momentarily stunned.

"N-no" Shin says avoiding eye contact with Kotone.

"No... we're not" Kotone says also keeping her gaze anywhere but Shin.

Megumi turns to Takuro and says, "Should you really be asking that question? You don't even admit when you are dating someone" she smiles towards him and Kanaru.

Kanaru blushes slightly and Takuro looks annoyed and says "Megumi, I already told you to stop getting the wrong idea on stuff!"

"Oh, the food has arrived!" Megumi says not paying any mind to Takuro's outburst.

Sure enough the food is all there. Shin, Takuro, and Kanaru all receive their small dishes while Kotone and Megumi are given something a little larger. Shin and Takuro both look intimidated at the sight of the two plates and watch as the girls smile brightly and prepare to dig in.

"You're really going to eat all that...?" Takuro says with a gulp leaning towards Megumi.

"Of course"

"You too, Kotone...?" Shin asks also gulping

"Piece of cake" she says with a wave of her hand.

Time passes, and just as they said both Kotone and Megumi manage to eat all their food. The two smile triumphantly at the two boys who both shrug to each other. They go to head out with Shin paying for Kotone's food.

Kotone pauses and Shin says "Don't worry about it, it's on me"

She smiles at him and says "What a gentleman"

The group now heads outside and moves towards the karaoke place.

"That was delicious" Kanaru says a content smile on her face.

"You two really ate a lot..." Shin says still a bit shaken up.

"Why do you sound so surprised by that? High schoolers don't have a limit" Megumi says.

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