Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The long trek up Tartarus has finally reached its end. SEES now faces death itself. The Shadows have been seemingly endless and hope of saving the world was all they had to push them forward. Determination. A desire fight to the bitter end even if said fight would only end in failure. The top of the tower revealed the green moon as was the staple of the dark hour, and under its shadow the one who will end everything. Nyx. The final battle was one for everyone's souls and held not only the fate of the present but the future as well. Failure was not an option, not to anyone of them. They pressed on managing to fight against the avatar of death, but it became clear they were outmatched. The fear was growing strong, but their will had proved stronger. The leader, the fearless girl with crimson eyes was their savior in the end. Somehow, she had always known of this fate she had yet it only became truly clear when the moment came. Her sacrifice. She used her very soul to create a seal that would block Nyx from ever reaching Erebus and ending humanity.

The battle was won, and everything returned to normal. A promise. A promise made between friends who all came together through the most unlikely of circumstances whose bonds became unbreakable. In the end the girl with crimson eyes had fulfilled her promise and soon drifted away into a place none can follow. Her fate alone. Her burden alone. She would carry the very weight of humanity on her shoulders, living an eternity with her soul unable to cross over to prevent a great tragedy brought on by the twisted desires of humans. The one who bore death inside her for many years would do so once more.

The crimson eyed girl would remain in her final resting place. A great seal. She would only see darkness and only feel numbness. Then, one moment there was a light. A small orb that slowly turned into a blinding flash. A voice had called out to her though it was unrecognizable to her. It spoke to her its voice was calming and emitted tranquility, one that she had never felt before. It spoke quickly and mentioned once more a need for her. More specifically, a need for a messiah. Yes. That is what she had been called, though the name seemed a bit much to her. She saw a glowing object in front of her and saw the seal start to glow. Her soul. Part of her soul was regained from the seal. She could feel a sense of life return to her, a feeling she never expected to ever experience again. Slowly but surely, she could feel herself being drawn away from the seal and away from the darkness and into this light. As she floated in nothingness she noticed how when she raised her hand and pointed out towards the light it seemed to create a small ripple as if in water. Another more massive ripple could be seen in the distance. What it was she had no idea. Though before she could dwell on it long the light had fully engulfed her. The next thing she knew, she was out in the cold naked.

Kotone wakes up feeling much warmer than usual, she turns her head to see that Shin is still sound asleep and laying close to her like before. She follows her arms and notices that it is her who is wrapped around Shin. She is momentarily surprised by this and takes a moment to ponder hoping to recall how they ended up like this, and it returns to her.

It was late, and Shin walked into the room to check on her. She had been doing relatively well given she just had a reawakening, she forgot how much it took out of her before. After clearing things with Shin by assuring him she was alright he let out a massive yawn prompting her to scoot a bit to the side and gesture for him to join her. After a moment he did and the two began to drift into comfortable silence. She reached around and wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him closer to her as she was moments away from falling asleep again. Unlike last time he seemed to not be caught by surprise as much though he did stutter out her name quietly but offered no opposition. They soon both fell asleep.

She smiles softly and once again feels a warmth on her face that is greater than that of the rest of her. Her arms still in their position gently rise and fall with the rhythmic breathing of Shin. She takes in all the comfort she can enjoying how much warmer it is than just wearing his jacket. At moments like this she finds it easy to just be in the moment and forget the many questions running through her head and her situation. Maybe that is why she is drawn to him so much, she figures. He gives her a feeling that she was unable to give a word to until now. Safety. Somehow being there with him makes her feel safe. He took her in and showed her such kindness despite her being not only a total stranger but up until now simply a liability. He had protected her when she should have been the one to do so for him, risked his life while she watched and did nothing. Then she finally reawakens to her personas, and one ends up attacking him. She sighs. Too many things are going around right now but she decides today will be different. She decides to make today just about Shin and her and she has the perfect idea.

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