Part 16

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TW: ⚠️self harm

It's was hard day for Minho to control his emotions the message traumatize him.. his mind was Full of negative thoughts.. he was hurting himself but no one knew even chan he was busy in studio and group work... Minho was laying on bed bed with teary eyes thinking what to do where to go..if say to company the toxic fan will find the way to harm them.. he knows what will happen how many idols killed themselves or killed by fans for this things.. felix came inside his room he smelled disater scent of Minho.. he called chan to comeback home soon.. chan came home

Chan: felix what's wrong sunshine
Felix: channie hyung lino Hyung is inside his room since we came from dance partice and realising disater scent..hyung something is wrong i saw his tears..
Chan: that day after Hyunjin's pregnancy news he was realising disater scent..let me check you go to hyunjin.. okay

Chan went inside their room.. saw his omega curled in ball and sobbing

Chan: min *went near Minho* min baby
Minho: *whimpers* channie *hugs him* i don't want to leave you please i can't leave skz.
Chan: *makes lino look at him* min you aren't leaving anyone of us baby..tell me what's wrong
Minho: Bad dream hyung *lied* let go and fresh up so i can cook meals for hyunjin.. he isn't allowed to drink any type of soda okay hyung.. don't bring it .and give less work to changbin...
Chan: okay baby.. we will take care of hyunjin and we will decorate baby room too . *Smiles*
Minho: *gets up* you go to shower after me
Chan: can i join
Minho: noo we will get dirty if you join hungry wolf.. *walks towards the bathroom*

Minho felt little bit good with others.. he cooked meal for everyone.. he even scold Hyunjin for running to get beer.. lino is lino he was about to shoved tissue inside hyunjin's mouth but chan stopped.. everyone gather up in living room

Minho:. Baby discussion basically we need room for the little guy
Han: hyung other pups to *look at felix*
Seungmin: here we go.. horny squirrel
I.N: hannie hyung let this one come then we will think about others
Changbin: JYP pd nim told that we can move to different mansion type house as keeping pups here won't be good and we need to move out soon before hyunjin enters fourth month
Chan: yes.. in the end of the month our schedule will be done so we will move on soon
Seungmin: hyung.. end of the month will be mine heat and i.n's rut it synced now
Hyunjin: we need to move out soon then.. we need to create an environment for ruts and heat and our nest too
Felix: yeah hyung try to tell pd nim to move out soon before the schedule finished
Chan: okay we will dont worry

They spent half of the night discussion about baby and all... Whole skz is ready to welcome new little one.. hyunjin felt good and happy as well as changbin that their pup is loved by everyone before coming to world..

*Comes alive after a long time break* finally here now time to complete the book.. thanks for 10.1k for the views.. stay tuned

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