The Baratheon Brothers

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"Don't be sorry, my love." I replied as I breathed out, sighing loudly.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Robb asked softly.

I swallowed, feeling as though a rock was stuck in my throat. "What Tommen and Myrcella are angry with me when I tell them why they're here? What if they write to my mother and beg for her to come save them? I don't want them to think I kidnapped them-"

"You sort of did." Robb chuckled and then his face went serious again. "I'm sure they will understand and once you tell them the truth, the full truth- no matter how hard it may be, they'll be grateful to you."

Silently, I nodded.

The horns blasted and I nearly jumped out of my skin. Quickly gathering my skirts and running down the stone steps to the center of the courtyard where I would be finally reunited with my sister and brother. Two sweet children who I would give my life to protect from the evil that is my mother and father.

Patiently I stood there picking at the threads on my gloves. The fur wrapped around me shoulders dancing in the cold wind. I only hoped that Stannis knew to dress these children in warm clothes for their arrival to Winterfell. If not, I'd had clothing already prepared for them in their new rooms. Things that Brandon outgrew and others that Sansa outgrew.

Stannis hopped off his horse and hugged me tightly. He smelled of mint and ale but not too much of it. Just a slight hint. Obvious that he'd had many a cup on the way here to ease his own nerves.

"Alana," He smiled as he kissed my head.

"Uncle Stannis," I hugged onto him tightly. "How did it go with my parents? Do they suspect anything?"

Stannis chuckled. "Your father is dumb as rocks and your mother is eternally thankful that Selyse and I have opened our home to care for the Prince and Princess."

"Perfect." I replied.

Behind him I could see some of his men helping Myrcella and Tommen from horses. A wheelhouse would have been too obvious that someone important was arriving to Winterfell. So they wore scarfs on their heads to hide their hair and faces.

Myrcella took Tommen by the hand and approached me carefully.

"Why are we in Winterfell?" She asked softly. "What's happening?"

I placed a hand on her back and lead her to the library where I could sit and speak with her and Tommen in private about why they had been sent here and tell all of the truth behind it. Just as Robb had told me repeatedly, honesty was the best policy.

At the long oak table sat my Uncle Tyrion with his nose buried in a book. For a moment he didn't even realize we had walked into the library until Tommen called out his name and ran to him to greet him.

"Oh, I best leave you to speak-"

"No, no, it's okay-" I assured him. "Perhaps you could help me explain to them why they're here in Winterfell."

Tyrion nodded.

Myrcella sat down beside me but turned to the side to look directly at me. Tommen stayed aside Tyrion across the table. I took a deep breath as Robb approached and stood behind me, his hands on my shoulders, rubbing them softly.

"As you both know Father did something he shouldn't have done." I said looking Myrcella in the eyes. "Father executing Ned and Catelyn Stark is the start of war. We plan to gather as many houses and banners as we can to march south and throw father off the throne. He and mother need to be punished for their crimes. Grandsire Tywin too-"

BLIZZARD: The Lone Wolf VOL2 (ROBB STARK X OC) *COMPLETE*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora