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[Two months after Avengers: Endgame/Four months before The Falcon and the Winter Soldier]

Dorothy aimlessly searched around her college campus, looking for her class.

She wasn't looking where she was going and bumped into someone.

"Cliché first meeting, huh?" a male's voice said.

"What?" Dorothy asked, looking up to see a brunet man who didn't look much older than herself.

He knelt down and helped her pick up her stuff. "Oh, you know, just the standard bumping into someone and the other person helps pick up the books and the two fall in love."

Her nose scrunched in confusion. "Who said we'd fall in love?"

"All the... You know what, never mind." He held his hand out. "I'm Josiah. Josiah Armstrong."

Dorothy shifted her books to her left hand. "Dorothy Barnes. Thanks."

"Don't mention it. I couldn't help but notice you look lost."

"Is it that obvious?"

"A little, yeah. I could show you to your class if you'd like."

"That's be great, actually. I didn't do the whole touring a college thing. Spur of the moment decision I guess. My dad seemed happy about it. I think."

"Well that's always something. Hang on. Didn't you say your last name was Barnes? Is the Winter Soldier your dad?"

"I'd rather the whole school not know. They'll eventually find out."

"I can promise you that information is safe with me." He smiled and started walking. "So, Dorothy. What's your major?"

"Art literature. I figured I'd combine two things I enjoy. Maybe become an artist or an English teacher. I haven't decided yet. What about you?"

"Both are admirable professions. I'm studying to become a journalist. I've actually got an assignment I'm working on and maybe will go overseas in a few months to get a closer eye on what's going on."

"That'd be cool. What assignment are you working on?"

He smirked lightly. "Can't tell you that yet. So, this class of yours. What is it?"

"Beginning history of art."

"Lucky for you I'm headed that way. I was off to get lunch before my next class. That was until you bumped into me. And chivalry demands I help a damsel in distress."

"You're... interesting."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No, definitely not. I've met a lot of interesting people."

"I'd like to hear about them sometime. If you're willing to see me again. But if I scared you off, then consider the offer off the table."

"Notice I'm still here."

"So I see. Dinner?"

She nodded. "Dinner. I have one more class after this. Um, Sociology."

"With Whittmore?"


"Best of luck. He's good, but he's tough. I'll meet you outside when you get out. When do you get out?"

"18:30." She noticed his confused expression. "6:30. I'm used to military time, so..."

"Right, with your dad."

"Mhmm. Thanks for walking me. I'll see you later."

Josiah handed her the books he'd been carrying. "See you later. I'm already counting down the minutes!"

She laughed and walked inside the building.

As Josiah walked away, he had a smile on his face.

That evening, the two ate on campus and told each other stories. Both hadn't been dusted, but their families had, which she found interesting.

All in all, she had a wonderful time and was looking forward to hanging out more with him. Her dad likely would protest, but she was old enough to watch out for herself. And Josiah brought a sense of happiness she hadn't felt before. So if their beginning friendship led to something more, she was ready to dive in.

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