No. No. No. No. No! I'm not gay! I'm not! I've already been through so much therapy! I thought it had worked...

"Hm... I'll think about it. Thanks." She sighed as she excused herself and made her way to the living room to watch some T.V.

I didn't just give her advice. I just gave myself some advice.


"Craig, you are going to swim whether you want to or not." My mother declared as if to end our conversation.

"How are you going to get me into the pool?" I asked knowing that there is nothing that they could possibly use to get me in that pool.

"Oh I'll think of something!" She snarled.

"What if I hang out with some of those people you've been trying to make me get to know?" I questioned hoping that would make me have an excuse to stay away from the water.

"If that does happen... you won't have to go swimming. But you have to hang out and socialize with them." She concluded and rolled down the window to pass the time.

To make myself feel even better about myself and how smart I am, I too rolled down my window slightly so I could put my hand out slightly but hide my face too. As people passed I flipped them off hoping that they would notice.

"Craig Tucker, stop that right now!" My mother ordered and her blonde hair blew in the wind as it entered the car through her window.

I sighed and took my hand away from the window and rolled it back up.

When it was all the way up I looked out at my surroundings and saw our destination not too far away.

It is the largest building on the entire street and you can already see how it shines as the sun rays hit its white paint.

We went through some security and came to a long line of cars where we had to find a parking spot. It took a while and I hoped it would last long but sadly it didn't.

My sister eagerly got out and my mother and father followed with blank expressions. I got out as slowly as I could as they walked towards the mansion. They were seriously done with me.

As I was walking towards the steps into the gigantic white... house... I heard something from the other side of the house.

Nobody was looking at me so I walked over to the noise to see two people against the back wall of part of the house. One of the people was very large and had his giant hand around the others neck as he was brought off the ground and pressed against the wall.

It only took me a second to identify the two people. The attacker was none other than Eric Cartman, and the other was Tweek Tweak.

A giant surge of power and rage went through my body and I grabbed Cartman from the backside and pulled him away.

"Hey!" Cartman yelled and looked up at me and his expression changed to a smirk.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked trying to keep my temper under control as I looked down into his beady eyes placed onto his giant fat face.

"Wouldn't you like to know." He snickered and I punched him in the nose and let go of him.

I looked over at Tweek who was gasping for air and went over to him to see if he was alright.

"You okay?" I asked.

He didn't reply and all he did was grip his hair in distress.

"We need to get you inside." I sighed and helped him get up and we made our way inside of the house. Once again, nobody realized I was there.

After coming here so many times I know where everything is and I grabbed a glass and filled it with water. I handed it to Tweek and he took it thankfully.

I've never seen him around here. I wonder why he would show up now.

"What on earth was Cartman doing to you?" I continued as I sat in a chair across from him at one of the indoor tables.

"B-bullying of course." He stammered quietly as if Cartman would hear him.

"Oh." I said simply.

There was an odd silence between us and I was the first to break it.

"What brings you here?" I asked trying to spark a conversation.

"M-my mom be-became friends with th-the owners." He answered with a small laugh.

"Woah, how did that happen?" I continued to question. These people weren't that easy to befriend.

"Coffee." Is all he said and he took a sip of his water.

We continued to talk and luckily Cartman didn't try to find us.

I felt too happy in this moment.

I feel so different yet so happy.

This must be friendship.

I long to keep this feeling.

[Craig X Tweek] Kitten CostumeWhere stories live. Discover now