Case 3. Password Killer: Chapter 08. The Case

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Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang looked at each other. "He just wants to have fun." They both thought to themselves.

While they waited in front of the elevator, they saw a big jeep arrive. Zhao Zhen opened the door and saw them waiting for the elevator. They smiled and said hello. Everyone knew that he had come to pick up Bai Chi.

The elevator door opened, and Bai Chi, who had worked overtime all night, came out and saw four people standing at the door. He greeted them one by one.

"You're alone?" Bai Yutang asked, "where is Luo Tian?"

"He said he didn't sleep well last night, so he's going to sleep in the lounge later. Since he needs to come back later in the afternoon, he couldn't be bothered going home." Bai Chi yawned and asked Zhao Zhen, "Yang Yang is at school?"

Zhao Zhen nodded. As Bai Chi walked towards him, Bai Yutang asked, "Chi Chi, would you like to go to the haunted house later?"

"Um..." Bai Chi was stunned. Right when he was about to decline, he heard Zhao Zhen ask with interest, "Haunted house?"

Bai Chi turned pale as he knew what Zhao Zhen was going to say, so he dragged Zhao Zhen towards the car and said, "No, I don't really..."

"What haunted house?" Zhao Zhen asked Bai Yutang, "I don't have anything to do today."

Bai Chi glared at him, "Why are you resting everyday?!"

Zhao Zhen pressed Bai Chi, then looked up at the four people next to the elevator. He heard Gong Sun say, "Oh... There was a case in a school a few years ago where five people died. The dormitory building had not been used for many years. Recently, another accident occurred."

There was a big smile on Zhao Zhen's face. "I suddenly have inspiration for a new trick..." With that, he pulled Bai Chi to the car and said, "Chi Chi, let's go back and sleep. Then, we'll go to the haunted house in the afternoon!"

"Bai Chi knows where it is. We'll head there first. You guys can join later!" Bai Yutang shouted to Zhao Zhen right before the door of the elevator was closed.

Zhao Zhen closed the car door. Bai Chi was furious. "You go by yourself!"

Zhao Zhen started the car and said to Bai Chi, "Let's go to the haunted house in the evening. I'll bring some soul-evocating props to see if there are souls still lurking there. I'll catch one and raise it."

Bai Chi looked grudgingly at Zhao Zhen, who was excited, wondering if there was any way to fool him later. After they arrived home, he hid in the quilt and pretended to sleep.


The elevator door opened on the SCI's floor, and when Bai Yutang and the others walked in, they saw that everyone else had already arrived. All the young people who were interested in the haunted house were gathered together having a discussion.

When Bai Yutang entered the room, everyone turned around and said, "Captain, Dr. Zhan." Then they all saw Bai Jintang, "Big Brother." When they looked at Gong Sun again, they felt a chill go down their spine. Gong Sun had a murderous aura with a smile on his face. He seemed to have found something interesting.

Bai Jintang smiled. He seemed to be in a good mood. He didn't want to disturb everyone's work, so he laid down on the sofa in Zhan Zhao's office. He had been very busy the previous night. Today, he came with Gong Sun for the haunted house, so he took advantage of this moment to get some sleep.

"All to the conference room." Bai Yutang turned his head towards everyone, then they walked into the conference room together.

"Captain!" Jiang Ping said while taking out some printed paper and books, "Look at this! What a surprise."

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