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You're sinking into the abyss? 

floating along, though no one will ever hear your cries of pain? 

Or the aching in your heart that will never cease, caused from months of torture and pain? 

Or the tears you wish could flow out of your eyes, sinking into the brown earth as you let all your troubles be known to the world, that you are expected to hide behind a smile, while your world falls around you? 

Is that why you have to go? 

So no one will hear your wails as you scream in sorrow and suffering? 

Because if you stay formal for one more second youĺ become crazy and lose all that makes you you to the winds? 

Is that why everyday at school you laugh and brush off all your problems, so no one sees the suffering behind those eyes?

So you won't be alone again, left to your demons and memories? 

On the other side of the screen are you staring at these words, and know deep down in your heart that they are true, even if youĺl never admit it to anyone? 

Even if all you want to do is scream your frustration out, so everyone knows how much you went through, and maybe receive the slightest bit of comfort? 

To finally let out all of the guarded emotions to the air, finally release all the weight off your chest for a little while, to know that you don't have to always hide your sorrow? 

Even if youĺl never admit it, we all have pain inside us. 

A deep pain that nothing can ever take away, and only at most you will be able to ebb the grief and heartbreak.

An ache so deep that no one ever knows, and only the faint glimmering in your eyes tell the truth. 

I do not pretend to know your misery, but acknowledge that all of us have some private torment we hold to our chest, never letting the last strands of it ever truly fade away. 

Oh yes, we can hide it, but the anguish sits in our hearts forever, buried under everything else, but always there, slowly eating away at our sanity until all that was us has faded away in the blackness, leaving nothing but cries of grief and salty tears, which will never go away, and even when your bones turn to dust the raw emotion stays, still forever a reminder of the quiet suffering we all go through.

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