"Ooooh... your cutie mark is... amazing!" Sweetie Belle said in amazement.

"The main bit looks like a map... are you good with knowing your whereabouts?" Apple Bloom inquired.

"Yes... yes actually," Adorabella replied as she returns her whole body to face the CMC. She definitely tells the CMC study cutie marks.

"What is the Z-looking thing in the middle though?" Scootaloo asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh... that is a symbol to do with memories. I can retain memories really well... although... I don't really have anything nice to remember back to," Adorabella replied. The CMC nods. They don't want to intrude on what happened to Adorabella, but they do want to test her memory.

"Are there any opaque cups... and some paper?" Scootaloo asked. Adorabella nods flapping her wings and taking off, only for her to be back a few seconds later, giving them 10 plastic cups and a piece of paper. Sweetie Belle tries levitating the objects.

"Huh, my magic ain't working." Sweetie Belle is near Adorabella, who is wearing the necklace with the shard attached. They don't know about the shard. Adorabella picks back up the 10 cups and piece of paper. She is still afraid of anypony finding out about the shards properties.

"That was quick," Apple Bloom said in surprise, the other 2 being equally surprised. Adorabella appeared to be as quick... or even quicker than Rainbow Dash. Adorabella nervously chuckles, hoping they don't find out how fast she really is. All 4 walks into the living room, to the table by the sofa.

"I wonder why my magic chose not to work today..." Sweetie Belle wondered to herself, still puzzled. Meanwhile, Adorabella finishes lining up the cups, all being upside down. Scootaloo grabs the paper and screws it into a ball and puts it under one of the cups, the 9th one on the right.

Knock knock knock...

"I'll get it," Apple Bloom said as she walks into the foyer, over to the door. Meanwhile, Scootaloo starts mixing the cups while Adorabella is looking.

"I'm just curious to see how good exactly your memory is," Said Scootaloo.

"Ah ha ha.. it's fine," Adorabella lightly chuckled. Adorabella is happy to know none of the 3 fillies are living good lives.

"How did you earn your cutie mark?" Scootaloo started asking questions while mixing the cups.

"Well... I um... I..." Adorabella tries to think of how to explain without bringing up all the things she went through, but she may have to at least a little bit.

"I um... I ran from home after... after some stuff happened... nothing... um, important. I remembered what my teacher said word for word and worked out where I was... and that's how I earned it," Adorabella explained.

"What were everypony else's thoughts? What did they think about your cutie mark?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I earned it with nopony around me," Adorabella replied.

"Oh," Sweetie Belle nodded. It must have been depressing, earning something big like a cutie mark without anypony there applauding or giving praises.

"Can I ask questions of my own?" Adorabella asked.

"Fire them away," Scootaloo smirked, still mixing up the cups.

"Do you study cutie marks... like, is it a project of sorts?" Adorabella asked.

"Eh, me and my friends help other ponies earning their cutie marks, or help them with their special talent if they're having any trouble," Scootaloo explained.

"I see, that's nice of you three," Adorabella nodded. Scootaloo nods back.

"How did you earn yours?" Adorabella asked.

Adorabella: A new life awaitsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora