"I miss you so much. The last time I came here was... 5 or 6 months, I don't exactly remember. You probably mad, but I can explain why. I've been very busy lately with work. That's all I do is work but it keeps my mind off you. So, I work long shifts and avoid being at home because I'm alone there. I don't have a problem with being alone but it's the feeling, you know?"

"Lim, I wanna be happy. How much longer am I going to be in this depressed state? Life been hard every since you decided to let your anger get the best of you. For real for real, what was you thinking? They had guns, Lim! Gosh."

"I love you, Lim."

The wind blew and I looked around crying harder than before. I just wish he didn't do what he did. He could have still be here living up to his dream.

"When I die and we get to meet again I'm gone beat your ass. While I'm here I might as well figure out what I'm going to do. Maybe I could go to a party? Or a restaurant, what you think? I think I'm gonna go to a party just have to see who's hosting one."

I went on instagram and began tapping on people's story. I knew someone had to be hosting a party like who wouldn't? It's a Saturday. Just as I was going to give up, I came across one of my old high school friends- Santori's story. She was hosting a party so I texted her saying I was going to be there.

It would be kind of hard to believe that I had a friend. I met Santori back when we both worked at Target. She had trained me on my first day and we were close until we both graduated highschool. Neither of us kept in contact, but there wasn't any bad blood.

"Ouu now I have to find something to wear. Alright I have to go, Lim. Happy Birthday again, I love you." I got up taking the blanket with me.


❝It's been so long.❞ Tori hugged me rocking us side to side. "Happy Birthday."

"I didn't even think you'd remember it." I shook my head putting on lipgloss as I looked around. The music that was inside could be heard outside and there was a lot of cars too. It was even hard for me to find a parking spot.

"I mean it isn't that hard to remember considering it's on Valentine's Day. We have a lot of catching up to do though. But that can wait tomorrow or the day after. I really missed our friendship, but I texted you one day and you didn't even text back. I'm like 'oops'." She put her hands up in defense.

I furrowed my brows. "When did you text me?"

"It was.. I don't even know it's been so long."

"My number changed so that might be why I didn't text back. Like right after highschool I changed my number."

She nodded, we walked inside the party letting Hellcats & Trackhawks fill our ears. I really needed to get turnt. I needed to enjoy my birthday for once. Even though it's hard because it's a constant reminder that Lim isn't here to celebrate and enjoy it with me.

"I need a drink." I told her. As it was I was already thinking about Lim which I knew would honestly ruin the mood. A drink would definitely help with that.

"We got everything over at my section." She said and we began walking over there. It was a couple people there. "So, what you want? Casamigos? Spirytus?"

LOST ONES.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora