I walked over to where Queen Tatiana, Lissa and the royal council would be announcing the decision of who was the near guard. Lissa assured me, multiple times, that it was gonna be me. Naturally I didn't worry too much. When I walked in the room I couldn't stop staring. Who in their right mind puts that much gold in one room? As I walked in that was the first thing I noticed – a golden ceiling, table, chairs, even the walls had gold painting on them. What royal bullshit was this. Good thing I wasn't an interior architect because this whole room would be made in black most likely, I'd keep the golden ceiling tho to lighten the mood. Anyways I walked through the huge ass golden double doors and was surprised at the sight in front of me. Guardians were lined up on the walls – probably because their royal charges were sitting at the big table in the middle of the room. The queens guardians stood behind her in a pyramid form – that sight could have been straight out of a backstreet boys music videos in my opinion. Lissa sat next to the queen. I looked at her, questioning what the hell this was. All I got was an encouraging nod. Thanks for nothing I guess. The table had 13 chairs on one side, where the council was sitting. Across from that there was a smaller table with three chairs, two of which where filled with guardians who I had never seen before. If anyone had asked me it looked like a courtroom at this moment. I took my seat at the table, not even looking to my right at the other two people sitting there. In my mind I was running through all the possibilities of the meaning for all this, when I was interrupted by her majesty.

"Thank you all for coming, some later than other," she made a point of looking at me when saying that. Bitch. "We are here today to decide on a near guard for Princess Vasilisa Dragomir. As you know I will be retiring soon, and seeing as she is the last of her bloodline, we need more protection than before. Hans please proceed with the findings from training the three candidates." Three candidates? When the hell did that happen? I didn't even know there was more than one candidate and now I was up against 2 others? Through the bond I could tell that Lissa was telling me to just calm down before I said something and therefore destroying my chances at the position all together. I took a deep breath, which did little to calm me down.

"Guardian Austin Laurent. Candidate on the wished of the council, age 36. He has two Zvezda marks. Multiple molnija marks. As for the training - his experience in the field showed and I had very little to teach him. His fake attacks were all passed with high grades. One thing that I have noticed was that his endurance isn't as good as for other candidates. Being in service for 18 years already has taken it's toll.

Now for guardian Dimitrit Belikov. Age 26, he has one Zvezda mark, 7 molnija marks. During his training I noticed his willingness to learn, which I was surprised to see because of his reputation already." Reputation? I had never heard about this guy, or the guy before him, and he had a reputation? Hans continued.

"As the most skilled guardian he excels in speed, strength and endurance during the tests. Now the last candidate. Rose Hathaway, 19 years old. She also has one Zvezda mark, 3 molnija marks, which is impressing because she got those before she even graduated. During our testing she has failed the first few tests. Seeing as she was very young and inexperienced that was to be expected. After a while she got better. I noticed an increase in strength and speed. Due to her age endurance had not been a problem. That is all." Hans sat back down after he finished his recap.

What is even happening I wondered? The first guy was way too old anyway to be her guardian so I wasn't even worried about him. But this Russian guy? He sounded like he did way better than me at those tests. I didn't even think failing the first few mattered seeing as I passed them later on anyway. They announced that the council would be taking Hans' comments into consideration and would be right back with a decision. I sat there on my chair, lost in my thought. Was it really possible I couldn't get this position? Was there anyway they'd decide for the other guys? It seemed like it wasn't only up to Lissa, which was also news to me. What felt like hours but could only have been minutes the queen announced the decision they had come to. Lissa was not involved in that, as she already gave her recommendation for me to even be considered in the first place.

"The council and I have decided. As we have heard Guardian Laurent", she turned to him," due to your service of many years, you have gathered enough experience to excel all our test. Unfortunately, due to the same reason your endurance in fighting has suffered. Therefore, we cannot give this position to you." I turned to my side, he had the middle seat of us. He only nodded, got up and left.

"As for Guardians Belikov and Hathaway, we have come to an unusal decision. Belikov, you have showed great results in your tests, but as near guard for Princess Dragomir being a male guardian does not come in handy. However you are excellent at what you do and we do not want to waste your talent. Guardian Hathaway, you have failed the first few tests due to your age and inexperience. You had to learn a lot and as I am guessing there is more things you don't know yet. Nonetheless you have showed progress and a lot of dedication, something that is quite new coming from you. As the best friend of the princess, you'd not raise any suspicion walking around with her." Where in the world was she going with this? Basically I was good, but not good enough, but hey I was female so that qualifies. That guy's only issue was he was well, a guy.

"With Vasilisa's wish of Miss Hathaway being near guardian, and the council's recommendation of Mr. Belikov taking that position, we have come to the decision to have further testing." Excuse me what? I already went for 6 months of hell, and now I have to do it all again?

"During the next few weeks, maybe months you will each be near guardian for Lissa in real life and fake situations. We will test you again until we know for certain who works best for this task. We will test for your combat skills as well as how you are perceived by the public. As you just heard, you both lack in those respective department, I suggest you figure out a way to get past it. That is all for today. Thank you."

This has to be a joke. As soon as the queen left the room, Lissa came up to trying to calm me down. "I know this isn't what you expected but this is a great thing. You could have been kicked out. I am sorry."

"Why didn't you tell me the situation? Would have liked to be prepared for this." I asked her.

"I didn't know in the beginning that the council was pushing for a different guardian", she looked at Belikov who was talking to members of the council," when they let me know, they suggested, which is code for ordering me, to not tell you. They wanted to see how much work you put in without competition."

"Well I did put in the work, I worked my ass off. At least now I know why you felt so bad for the shit I went through during that training. I can hardly compete with someone who has 7 years more experience than I do. In the end they won't care about him not blending in, hell they'll probably just make him your fake boyfriend and call it a day." I took a deep breathe, noticing the darkness coming up in that moment. I knew it wasn't her fault. She had no voting right, she didn't actually have a say. It was probably the queen that took petty on her and let me compete with that guy.

"No, they won't because you are going to be my guardian. Don't give up now please. All you have to do is keep training and while you are my near guard you need to be ready for anything. It's only preparing you for what to come." She looked at me with more seriousness than I had ever seen. It calmed me down that she had so much faith in me. Still when I looked over to my right I felt the anger come back up. Who did this guy think he is? I could only see his back from here but damn it. I could already tell that he was stronger than me with being well over 6ft tall. His brown hair was in a bun, showing off his marks – what an attention seeker. He held his hands behind is back talking calmy with someone from the council. It made my blood boil how self-assured he was. Reputation might precede him, but he can't be that good if I have never heard of him before. Well, an hour ago I had never heard of him before. What I'd do to have that time back. If I had known that when I got up this morning I'd have to compete against some pretentious asshole who wears a duster in summer mind you, I'd have stayed in bed.

Fucking Dimitri Belikov.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2023 ⏰

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