"i'm really sorry, y/n" takeda had come to visit you in your final class of the day, "we don't have any extra seats available on the bus, i apologize"

well, that was that. you got nothing to do at that stressful journalism club and no actual excuse to hang around the volleyball club boys any longer. it felt like an overstayed welcome at this point.

and tanaka certainly didn't need you anymore..

you had absolutely nothing goin on for you at the end of the day. in the past, you may have figured that a good thing.

all that extra freetime to do as you please, no one to nag at you or drag you around. you didn't mind being alone.

but today, after experiencing what it's like just to hang out with someone.. it felt odd.

it was an experience you'd have to get used to again. it was whatever, really; in the end, you knew it wouldn't be so bad. you've been by yourself so often already.

"not completely alone, i guess," you've arrived back home, slipping off your shoes and leaning down to pet bella as she jumps to greet you, "hey girl, guess it's just you and me today, yeah?"

her tiny bark before reaching up to lick your wrist was most definitely a yes. you lean down to give her some more love when you hear your dad speak up from the living room.

"you're home early," you look up to see him on the sofa, your mom right next to him as she fidgets with her ipad.

"yeah," you nod

"no journalism club meetings or nothing?"

"uh.. nah," you shake your head, making your way up the stairs, "i kinda finished my panel a while back, so i was just kinda free to go today,"

he hums, reaching an arm over your moms shoulder, "well, dinners at five thirty, alright? nice to see you home today,"

you nod with a smile as you make your way up the steps, bella in tow as you push through the doors and fall on your bed again looking at the ceiling.

you wanted to ask your parents to take you to the game, truly, but they'd both be at work and you knew they wouldn't be able to swing it.

you had told club prez your predicament, and she had said she'd find a way to get you there. you weren't too sure about it but all you could do is nod.

the couple minutes in your room turned into a couple hours as you tried to find something to do. the sun had already set, the sky a pretty shade of oranges and blues. you had nothing to interest you at the moment.

instead you sat bored on your bed, listening to the sounds of your dad pan frying downstairs for dinner, mindlessly scrolling through your phone. your boredness slowly turned to hunger when you suddenly heard the buzz from your phone.

tanaka: hr parents?

tanaka: parents home?


damn no chill, you thought to yourself as he flooded your message box

you: are my parents home?

tanaka: yes!

you: why?

your brows furrowed as you sat up from your bed, what was he in such a hurry for?

tanaka: im at your house

you: what??

tanaka: i need you rq!

the doorbell sounded downstairs, bella immediately going to survey the premises as you realized he really was at your house. you opened your phone, texting him again

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