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whaddup 😁

wc: 2.7k

that night, tanaka walks you home to your front doorstep to see you off. you assured him you'd be fine making it home yourself, but he insisted seeing as it was "only right to see you guys' 'date' to the end"

"i guess i'll see you tomorrow then, huh?" he shoves his hands in his pockets as you walk up the steps to your front door.

"yeah, guess so,"

the front door of your house is already unlocked, your parents already notified of your arrival.

it's simply a matter of who will be the first to turn away. with an awkward smile and wave, it's you as you hesitantly open the door and slip through.

even as you enter your house, reaching down to pet bella's excited figure, you turn around for a second and watch tanaka make his way back down the sidewalk with a smile.

"whatchu smilin' for?" you hear your mom call to you as she makes her way over to the door to try and peak through the small window as well, "ohh, i see.."

"mama.. it's not like that, i-"

"so you got yourself a lil friend, huh?"

your face falls in your hands as you try and cover up the embarrassment making your way up the stairs to your room, "i promise you, it's not like that.."

"if you say so!" she teases in her usual cheery voice, steps heading back to the kitchen.

you slip your jacket and bag off, the scarf that tanaka let you borrow is still wrapped snugly around your neck as you fall back onto your bed.

the memories and feelings from tonight are still circling in your mind.. you've never really felt that way before. your heart steadily grew softer when your phone beside you on the bed gave a lil hum, the screen lighting to show your new messages:

tanaka: thank you for your help tonight 👊🏻 🔥

youre taken aback for a moment, a bit too excited before you finally settle down. holding your phone up in the air, the screen illuminating your face

:) it was pleasur-

no. delete.

yeah it was no big-

no. delete delete.

your brain can't keep up with your fingers and you type, trying to think of the right thing to say

you: ofc it was no problem

the couple seconds waiting for a reply feel like literal hours as the little three dots appear and disappear from your phone.

tanaka: i had a lot of fun too so like seriously, thanks bro. you're a lifesaver

you feel warm on the inside rolling around on the bed as you smile to yourself. you didn't know why you were so giddy, i mean it's not like that.. right?

you wait up for him, the little three dots appearing at the bottom of the screen as you wait for him to finish his text.

tanaka: i'm positive i can ask her out now! you gave me a fighting chance brochacho

you deflate a bit reading it again in your mind before setting your phone down. the weight of finishing school and all that extra stuff suddenly weighing on you as you realize how tired you actually were.

i mean, you shouldn't be too upset, right?

it wasn't like that..

the next day at school feels the same as always.

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