♥︎ TheAnalogyQueen ♥︎

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Hey everyone!
I'm mostly inactive on here now, and
I know most of you are inactive as well.
I sure miss when Wattpad wasn't such a dead site.
It was a fun time.
I'm active on Instagram under the same username if anyone wants to connect on there though.
I've been doing a lot of writing and can't wait to share more stories including the rest of Jarlee's with the world.
I just logged on to post and repost fan art today!!
These gorgeous collages were created by TheAnalogyQueen
I can't choose a favorite honestly.
Collages are my favorite type of fan art after drawings.

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Thank you for these awesome collages!

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Thank you for these awesome collages!


Fanart Of The Summer We Turned ThirteenWhere stories live. Discover now