Otherworldly Heroes

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A quirk based on the character selection screen and the smashers/fighters.


Quirk Description:

'Otherworldly Heroes' is an Emitter-type quirk used by Midoriya Izuku. This quirk allows the user to summon a circular portal that can span up to 3 meters in diameter. From this portal, the user can summon various creatures and people he calls "heroes of other worlds". The Heroes often resemble characters from Pre-Quirk era video games and often have powers and capabilities matching their counterpart. These heroes are fully sentient and they are able to have their own thoughts and actions separate from the user, though almost all of them get along (or at least respect) the user in some capacity. They also appear to have memories correlating to events in those Pre-Quirk Era video games even if the user is unaware of the occurrences in said games, making it more likely that the user is actually pulling heroes from various dimensions instead of simply creating a figure resembling them. The user can summon up to 3 different heroes of any size and power, with the caveat that the user and the heroes get dizzier the longer they stay summoned. The more heroes are summoned, the sooner this nauseating effect happens. Attempts on non-summoned entities to enter the portal have led to a massive knockback effect on anything and anyone that attempts it, including the user themselves.

With OFA:

With the power of One for All boosting Otherworldly Heroes, the amount of summons has increased, going from 3 summons at a time up to 7. The time before the user and the summoned heroes get nauseous also gets significantly increased, likely to accommodate the bigger roster of summoned heroes. Additionally, the heroes have reported that they feel much stronger after the quirk evolution than before.


The three students who got estranged in the shipwreck zone, wadded/swam away from the shipwrecked boar. Tsuyu, while being a very powerful jumper, didn't have enough strength or practice to leap all the way from the boat to the shore, let alone while carrying two other passengers with her. As such the trio had to swim quickly to avoid getting caught by the villains.

"GAH!" Mineta shrieked as something brushed his side in the water. "What was that?"

Izuku looked over to the ball-headed boy in alarm but calmed as soon as he saw what it was. "It's okay Mineta! It's just Squirtle."

As if on cue, a small blue turtle poked its head out of the water, mischief twinkling in its magenta eyes. "Squirtle!" The Pokemon cheered, making a little saluting pose at his 'trainer'.

"Did you take out the villains, Squirtle?" Izuku asked.

"Squir, Squirt!" Squirtle affirmed, pointing over back to the shipwrecked boat.

The three students turned back to see the villains all clumped together with Mineta's sticky balls as the glue. When the students made their great escape, Mineta has thrown his balls into the water in a panic, which gave Izuku the idea to summon the tiny turtle to use Whirlpool in the water and get them to all stick to the balls.

"Great work Squirtle." Izuku praised, rubbing the Pokemon's head, much to its delight. "Stay out for now okay? We might need you again later."

"Squirt." It nodded determinedly. Neither Izuku nor Squirtle felt the dizziness from the quirk kick in, so they should be fine to stick around for longer.

"It's really convenient you had someone you could summon right away, ribbit." Tsuyu remarked.

"Hehe, yeah," Izuku said, hiding a sweatdrop. She didn't need to know that he intended to summon Greninja or Pikachu instead. He was lucky that Squirtle knew whirlpool and was strong enough to handle the pressure.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2023 ⏰

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