A little bit (or a lot) about me

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I just want to warn you that I am going to be pouring my heart out on this app so be prepared because this might be more intense than you think😅

Anyways, let's start!
Hi, my name is Bea. Yes, Bea is my real name. However I'm not gonna say how old I am or where I live. What I am going to say is that; I'm a high schooler (which I why I don't have a lot of time to write), I struggle a lot with my mental health and that I am a procrastinating perfectionist.

I am neurodivergent, as gay as you can get and extremely scared of driving cars.
I obsess over little details, I overthink and have a lot of anxiety.
On the bright side, my depression has been getting better and better everyday and I have way less panic attacks! I'm 3 months clean and my relationship with my parents has improved so much.

Now to the fun (or at least to the less gloomy) stuff;
My favourite colour is dark purple, I have a cat who's named Kasparov, I love skiing, running very very fast but am currently doing karate.
I play the piano (but I barely got better last year because my depression prevented me from practicing) and I have this lovely little Portuguese lady as my teacher. She is SO understanding, doesn't stress me out at all and is the kind of person who would cry by seeing a picture of a kitten.
I have a bunch of health issues that seem to lessen as  the years pass and I absolutely LOVE going to the dentist. I have no idea why but I just do.
I speak three languages fluently (and trust me that's the bare minimum where I live), can read 5 and can understand probably like ~7.
As I have started to get better, I've been doing things I used to enjoy like baking and painting! It's been helping me a lot, and recently I mustered up enough courage to start writing again so here I am😊

Physically, I'd rate myself a 5 out of ten. I have short wavy hair, brown eyes and am a bit shorter than what's average for my age. Also, I wear glasses.
My body dysmorphia has almost disappeared and I started wearing short sleeves tops again! I'm really proud of myself for that.

I love animals and reading about plants. However, I don't like being outside that much and I don't appreciate gardening😅. I also hate cold water and public pools. When I draw I usually draw insects but when I use watercolors I paint landscapes.

I barely listen to music (maybe like 3 times a month?) but what I do listen to are podcasts.
My birthday is the third of march, (it was recently!) and one of my dreams is to go study in London.

I have a sweet tooth, my favorite fruits are mango and blueberries, I am allergic to pineapple and absolutely hate cumin.

As I said earlier, I'm gay🏳️‍🌈. My pronouns are she/her and I identify as a lesbian (although I'm probably omni with a preference for girls. I think it's just that high school boys disgust me) and I have unfortunately fallen head over heels with my straight best friend. Ugh, I know right? Also I feel like she's been pulling away recently so we'll have to see..

I need to go now but I'll get you updated!
Bye guys✨

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