"You want to leave with me, Samantha Lewis. Take me to your home, now," he says, still staring into my eyes, and I feel as though I zoned out for a second, but then I realize what he said, and burst out laughing.

"Are you serious? Does that actually work for you?" I ask, still laughing until I realize he's not.

He releases my hand and leans back in his chair with a peculiar look on his face. I rein my laughter in to a little cough, and take a long sip of my beer. Once again, he's looking at me like I'm a puzzle to be solved. I start to feel uneasy under his intense scrutiny.

When he doesn't speak, I ask, "Adam, what exactly are you looking for here? You can't possibly think I want to sneak off and have sex with you. My name is not Rebecca, and I do not have slut or desperate tattooed on my forehead. At this point you're a stalker, and who knows what else. I hope you understand that this is not normal behavior. I'm going to return to my friends now, and if you continue to follow me I'm going to contact the police and have a restraining order placed on you. Do you understand me, Adam?" I stand, making sure I'm out of his reach while waiting for a response.

He continues to study me a few moments longer before responding.

"I never assumed you were that sort of woman. I will admit you are a mystery to me, and that I am intrigued. I will not promise to stay away, but you have nothing to fear from me. I only thought we could continue our conversation somewhere more quiet. I am usually quite persuasive. Your ability to resist my...charms is fascinating to me, and yet another reason I'd like to learn more about you," he says.

With that, he stands, walks a short distance, then turns to me. "I like the way my name sounds on your lips, Samantha."

Before I can even think of a response he turns and leaves. My stomach does a little flip at his words. He must be throwing off all kinds of pheromones or something. I caught myself imagining him with his shirt off. And I still don't have a last name. Damn it!

Embarrassed at my own thoughts and how inappropriate they are under the circumstances, I head back to my friends and find them openly gawking at me. Great.

I spend the rest of the evening fielding questions from my friends about Adam. I tell them that we met at the mall—which is partially true—and that he wants to date me, if you can call it that, but I'm not interested. Lies, lies, lies. My body seems to have a will of its own, but my head knows that's not happening.

Dayna won't stop talking about how attractive he is, and how she can't believe I'm not into that. Eric keeps quiet, and continues to avoid making eye contact. He, and his "friend" leave early, and I'm glad. It hurts my heart a little to see her hanging on him.

I do ask Sean about Adam's tab. After checking with the waitress, he tells me the customer paid in cash.



Once home, I feed Wilbur and catch up on news from my laptop while giving my kitty some much-needed attention.

There was another murder—two in one week. This is a little more newsworthy. Police deny it's the work of a serial killer, but confidential sources say it's a possibility because both victims were blonde women in their early twenties, and other similar details that are not being released while the crimes are under investigation.

Creepy. How long did Adam say he'd been in town? He said that he's here on business. What is his business, I wonder?

Lying in my bed, I can't help but think about Adam. What's his story? Who he is, where he comes from, and why he seems fixated on me. Maybe I fit his victim profile! Crap. Why can't I meet a nice, normal guy?


I'm running in the forest again. I feel he's close. I don't know how I know, but I do. I feel vulnerable and exposed. This time I'm not sure if I want him to find me or not.

I see a shadow up ahead. Is it him? I stop and watch. The shadow watches me back. Then I hear my name from somewhere behind me. It sounds like Adam, but I'm confused. Who is the shadow figure ahead of me?

I look back and see Adam running toward me. I think he's saying my name, but I can't be sure. He looks desperate and furious as he runs toward me. I look back at the shadow, but it's gone. I spin around in a circle searching for it.

Suddenly, someone has me in a tight embrace. I look up, expecting to see Adam, but the face is hidden in shadow, and all I can see are fangs...before they sink into my neck.

I scream and scream...

I wake with a start. I'm breathing hard, and my heart is threatening to beat out of my chest. What was that? And who bit me? I reach up and rub the spot on my neck that still throbs with a phantom pain. The water next to my bed is empty. I head to the kitchen for more.

I stop dead in my tracks. My patio doors are open, and my little warning bells are lying on the chair. Oh, crap! I run for my bed and grab the knife from under the pillow.

Here we go again.

RED NIGHT ~ VAMPIRE FILES TRILOGY (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now