Chapter 8 - Birthday Boy & The New Pet

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March 22..

I had woken up and the next thing i did was check my phone I called my mom to see if she was okay with the plan of the cat and she agreed. I had gotten ready and went outside to meet everyone. They we're all sitting at my couch but Kenny and Keyla weren't there today. I actually won't why they weren't here so I had started to ask the guys on what had happened to them.

"Hey guys where is Kenny and Keyla" I asked them. "Oh today is Kenny's birthday so Keyla had decided to hang out all day with him and he had agreed to it, and they are going to go to many places too." Stan replied.
"Okay thanks love" I told him.
I am wonder now on what to get kenny for his birthday.
"Hey Stan, did you get kenny a birthday present." I asked him.
"No not yet" He replied to me.
"Okay then let's go get the pet for kenny, He's going to be the first one to take care of it and we will buy it all of the supplies" I had told everyone. They all agreed and we all got our money to buy the cat and the stuff it will need.

As we walk to our local pet store we had heard a lot of moaning in a alleyway. As we are trying to see what it is, we start to notice that is a lady getting humped by some man. Stan had came up to me and whispered in my ear.
"Remember that's what we did at Cartman's party" he said.
" You were drunk Stan and I don't know why I did it but it was fun not gonna lie" I whispered back in his ear.
I did feel my cheeks burning red but we just moved on to go to the pet store.

Once we had arrived the first thing we did is look at the cats.
"Hey guys this white one is cute, well to be honest all of them are." I said
"Let get this one" Kyle said as he started pointing at the cat with dark brown and light brown fur.
"Oh... My... God..." I said as I stayed silent.
Everyone started to look at me with a worried expression.
"I LOVE IT!!!!" I said yelling out loud.
Everyone's faces were relifed especially Kyle, I think he thought that I was going to be mad at him for his oppinion but in reality I actually loved it.

As we ask one of the employee's to come and get us the cat from the other side of the glass window. As the employee starts putting the cat in a cage me and Stan started to go to the cat area to get all of the stuff for the cat. I picked out the toys and the bed and the kitty litter, meanwhile Stan went to get the kitty litter box and the food, he also got something for the cat to clim on and sratch on, it's also like a bet which it looks nice.

As we go to the check out we all start putting our money together to buy the cat and the stuff for the cat. Once we had everything ready we went to my house to get some bithday gift wrapping paper and we went straight to Kenny's house. and started putting everything in place. When the guys came in right behind me they were shocked. I looked at them confused.
"what's with the look on your faces?" I asked them. "Kenny never had a house like this" they all told me. "what are you guys talking about?" I asked "Kenny used to live in a dump" Cartman said.
"You think Keyla bought him this house for his family?" Kyle asked.
"I think so her family is pretty rich kinda like Tolkien's family" Stan said.
"Who's Tolkien?" I asked Stan.
"He is one of the rich people here in south park Kyle does tiktoks with him once in a while."
Stan replied to me.
" Oh he's the boy with the purple shirt with a T on it right?" I asked.
"Yes" everyone saids.

As we start going upstairs to find Kenny's room we noticed this one poster of Keyla on the door. We all knew that is his room, as we go in there are many pictures of him with Keyla in different places, notes she made him, and other things too, they were pinned in the right wall as we start start building everything for the cat before Kenny and Keyla come home. Oh one more thing I know this cat is going to be nice and normal so it's not going to ruin nothing of our belongings whenever we take care of it. As we start leaving we also go to a supermarket to buy decorations, a cake that saids happy birthday kenny, the cake is vanilla mixed with chocolate and we get party hats and some other stuff.

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