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Kara lays next to Lena, with the sun peeping through the window "I don't want to get up can we stay like this forever" Lena rolled over and looked in Kara's eyes "I wish but you need to wake up" Kara looked confused "I am awake" Lena laughed "You're eyes are still closed silly" and kissed Kara.

Lena rolled onto Kara and lifted up her bra up and started at her hard nipples and Kara buckled in the motion and Lena's guide her leg between Kara and begin to Kara grind on her thigh, Kara let's put a slight moan with Lena fully on Kara "I need you to wake up for me" Kara nodded with a smile "then wake me up" Lena grinds faster Kara can feel Lena's wetness on her skin and Kara is instantly going insane "Lena I want to feel you" Lena ended up pulling Kara's boy shorts off and and slowly rubbing her fingers on her clit "Fuck" and Lena swore she heard Kara change languages but ignored it "You're soaking babe" as Lena enters one finger and curled up to Kara's spot and Kara grind faster in rhythm with Lena "You're going to make me cum" Lena smiled as she put her mouth on Kara's clit and sucked on the harden ball "then cum" Kara fought back her flare as hard as she could and tearing the sheets up as she gripped tighter within seconds Kara reached for Lena's wrist and pulled her fingers out before she orgasmed afraid she'll clamp down and hurt Lena. Lena shifted her weight on Kara and tasted her cum dripping. "Kara you need to wake up"

Beeping monitors is all Lena can hear, she is resting on Kara's chest holding her hand as approaches with a blanket. Alex laid the blanket across Lena with a shy smile seeing the love Lena has for her sister. She walked out to meet with Mon-El about stopping Reign for good.

"Alright we can use this" as Mon-El pulls out a black rock "What is this?" Mon-El explained it's the Harun-El we can use it to separate Reign and Sam" Alex looked confused "Okay, but Sam has to drink the fountain of Lilith in order to force Reign to die essentially" Alex nodded "okay let's get Sam here" Mon-El gets ready to go get Ruby and Sam. To save Kara and end Reign

Kara sits freezing Lena goes over to and wraps Kara up in her blanket "Hey you'll be okay it'll be over soon" Kara nodded shivering "How much longer?" Lena looked at Kara with sadden eyes "Honey I'm not sure but you're body is in bad shape it needs time to heal"

Lena woke up from her dream and looked around the med room and puts the blanket on Kara and goes to Alex "We can heal Kara, we need the Herun-El, idk why I didn't think of it before" Alex looked at Lena "Mon-El is using it to stop Reign and Sam to destroy her" Lena shook her "we only need a little bit of it not a lot" Alex texted Mon-El ~Do you have any Herun-El left, we just need a small amount~ Alex patiently waits and Mon-El gives her the access code to get more. Alex and Lena go grab some of the sample and make it injectable.

"Okay we need the kryptonite again" Alex switches it over, waited enough for her skin to soften and inject the drug "Now we wait.." Lena and Alex held onto each other besides Kara. Hours go by before they saw improvement, her wounds started to fade and heal almost completely and the monitor looking better than hours before. Lena and Alex smile as they see idea worked.
Kara opens her eyes to the brightest lights, she looks around to figure where she's at

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