□Chapter Twenty-Six□

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They sat in silence; they both knowing what the other was thinking.

As the next day slowly passed by: Shun couldn't help but let his mind wonder. It was full of daydreaming of how working at the bakery could be. Full of fake scenarios of praise.

It's always his goal to be the best 'Shun' for other people. It doesn't matter who he make friends with, as long as he can work. As long as he can work endlessly, his day would be full of joy.

"Shun," Aren chuckled. "The bell just rang."
Shun blinked a couple times, "right! Let's stop at our bakery before going home."

Kuboyasu nodded as Kaidou stood up with excitement. Kaidou's days have been filled with joy as of recent, that itself made Kuboyasu blissful.


They walked and talked about small little nothingness. Anything from something funny that happened that day, to something that happened years ago.

They stopped in front of their quant bakery. The nervous smile on Shun's face showed Aren a glimpse of what it's like in Shun's world.

Aren walked a bit ahead so he could hold the door open. As the blue haired boy walked in Aren whispered softly,

"Ladies first."
Shun chuckled, "you're such a gentleman."
"It's my favorite quality," Kuboyasu replied, smiling.
Shun shrugged, "You have too many good qualities."

They both chuckled at the flirty jokes they make to each other. Something about this just seems normal, as if they only they mattered.

The two walked in to see the same employee as last time. They give a soft wave, and a smile to go along with it.

"Welcome back," they said as Shun and Aren got to them.
Shun nodded, "firstly, I have the application. What should I do with it?"
They gave a bigger smile, "I'll take it to the boss's desk. She'll definitely want to meet with you sometime."

Shun opened his book bag and grabbed the filled out application. He placed it on the counter after a moment of searching.

"Do you two want anything?" The employee asked.
Aren nodded, "I'll pay for whatever you want, and a strawberry strudel."
"You don't have to pay," Shun informed.
Aren smiled back, "I insist."
"I'll get the same thing as him," Shun replied.
The employee nodded, before putting it into the register.

The two sat down, and started talking. Every little nothing that left an impression got talked about. That was until Shun changed the subject.

"This might sound weird," he started. "What if we did, ya know, date?"

My Real Self Is With You (Shun Kaidou x Aren Kuboyasu)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora