□Chapter Three□

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Well normally they overwhelm him but today was a good day. It must have been his new friend, Kuboyasu Aren.

Shun woke up to the irritating beep of his alarm. After turning it off, he laid in bed with his eyes open. Not wanting to get up, but still wanting to be up before anyone else. He thought about taking a shower but he didn't feel like it. Nonetheless he slowly got up and went to the bathroom.

He turned on the water to be super hot and waited before jumping in. He played his playlist of older music and listened- only singing at a whisper- as he showered.

Once he finished and found his uniform he decided to make a breakfast for everyone, and to pack their lunches. He made omelets.

□20 minutes later□

Once people started waking up, they saw the breakfast on a plate with a note.

Sorry I left early. Everyone's lunch is in the fridge. I wanted to get things done before school! :)

Shun (the jet black wings)

He left the last part just to make his brother have a good day.

He slowly walked his way to school. He didn't want to be around people so he just started before them.

He did stop at a gas station just to buy a quick snack. He saw a guy try and take the handbag of an older, but not elderly, woman.

"Thief! He took my purse!" she yelled praying to get it back.

Shun frowned before running after him. He wasn't the best at gym but he can run. After about two minutes he caught up and stole the bag from the thief.

Walking back to the store, making sure he doesn't drop a thing, felt long. He did get there in a matter of 5 minutes. The girl was crying to the security of the town.

"It has important photos! I need it, please," she cried.
Shun handed her the handbag. "Here," was all Shun said. He walked away before anything else.
"OH THANK YOU! THANK YOU SO MUCH! The only photo I have of my daughter is back," she yelled trying to thank the school boy.

The security guard looked super shocked but smiled. He knew that school uniform.

□At School□

Shun was the first student to arrive, yet the doors were already open.

Teachers smiled and waved with confused looks in their eyes. Shun just walked to the classroom and read a book: On Fortune Wheel by Cynthia Voigt.

People started pouring in and Shun just kept reading. The book is one of his favorite but it's not as good as Fahrenheit 451.

The school boy saw Mr. Matsuzaki in the door.

"Kaidou. I have something to ask," he almost yelled.

Shun put down his book and walked to the teacher.

"If your able to stop a robbery, how do not have the best grades in gym?" He asked.
Shun looked at him, dead in the eyes, "I didn't stop a robbery."
"Yes you did. I got word about it almost right away from an old student. No one else has blue spiky hair and a semi ripped uniform," Mr. Matsuzaki frowned a little bit.
Shun huffed, "like I said, you have the wrong kid. It wasn't me."

Soon kids that are in the class started to whisper.

Mr. Matsuzaki continued, "How about we bring the victim over to properly thank you? Will she say something else?"
"I don't know what you're talking about. You're talking to the wrong person. If you want I can get better grades in gym just make us run more," Shun hissed.

Shun just didn't want people to make fun of him for being a "hero". Hero's don't matter. What do they do? Make people feel better.

Why can't I have a hero? I don't want to be hero... Yuki is the only one that I'll be a hero for.

"I know you helped her and I want you to get the credit you deserve. If they know you stopped a robbery, people will stop making fun of you," Matsuzaki almost whispered.
Shun sighed heavily, "Look. I don't want any credit or pity. All I did was returned an item. No big deal."

Mr. Matsuzaki sighed and walked away. Matsuzaki was surprised at how Shun reacted, Kaidou looked like the guy to go out of his way for credit if he did something.

My Real Self Is With You (Shun Kaidou x Aren Kuboyasu)Where stories live. Discover now