□Chapter Fourteen□

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It was the only thing he could yell back because it hurt him too.


Toki grabbed onto Shun's pantleg and hid. The boy closed his eyes as his sister yelled.

Shun sighed, "I don't care if they say anything. They're just immature."
"You should," Sora hissed. "You should fucking care! Stand up for yourself!"
"Sometimes I'm not a good enough reason to fight back but I swear on my life I'll protect the two of you," Shun answered.

Sora huffed and stormed back up the stairs. She closed the door that led to her room, it led to another world. It was her world, no one else was in her world.

Shun smiled as he patted Toki's head.

"The yelling stopped," Shun smiled. "You can open your eyes now."
Toki nodded, "why was she yelling?"
"It's a highschool thing," Shun answered as Toli hugged him once more.
"So I'll understand when I'm older?" the little boy asked. "When I'm older I'll protect you!"

The two boys shared a smile as they started making curry. It was Shun making it and Toki occasionally stirring, they had fun nonetheless.


As everyone sat at the dinner table, they ate with only small talk.

"What did you do today?" his mother asked, looking at Shun.
Shun smiled, "after school I went to the Overworld with Kuboyasu."
"Big brother also got into a fight with sissy today," Toki added with a frown.
Ms. Kaidou sighed, "oh really? Why?"
"Shun won't stand up for himself," Sora hissed, clenching her fists.
Shun sighed, "people are just being immature; i don't need to stand up to immature people."
"ASSERT DOMINANCE!" Sora yelled.
Shun looked down to his plate with another sigh, "at this point it's not dominate. All it would be is going to their level of stupid."
"You're a hero," Sora said, tearing up. "Can't you see that?"
Shun shook his head, "I'm only a big brother."
Ms. Kaidou stood up, "Sora explain."
Sora followed through with the command, "people in Shun's class have been whisper about it behind his back. I have no idea how long or why. In the hallway I heard them saying something about how I should be ashamed by being related to him."
His mother nodded taking in the information, "Shun explain."
"Nendou made a joke about how Toki and I play hero at school and ever since then people have been talking about me or whatever. Frankly I don't care and I don't think it's needed for me to react to them, they'll only get bored," Shun explained.
Ms. Kaidou frowned, "I'll have a conversation with Mr. Matsuzaki. He's the teacher who emailed me about you joining track."
"He told me I should do track. I would apparently be a good sprinter," Shun informed.

They all went quiet for a while not knowing what to say. Toki finished his food and was about to fall asleep at the table.

"I'll go tuck Toki in bed," Shun smiled, picking the little boy up.
Toki yawned, "i want a bed time story too."

The two went to Toki's room. Shun set the boy on the race car bed and went to the box of picture books.

"How about The Day the Crayon's Quit? That's still your favorite, right?" Shun asked.

Toki gave a tired nodded so Shun started reading. As soon as Shun finsihed the book he saw Toki fast asleep. Shun smiled as he went to his room and sent a good night text to Aren.


The next day rolled around and the high schoolers went to school. They wanted to walk together so they did.

"Shun," Sora said, thinking out loud.

Shun gave her a hum to prove he was listening.

"I was thinking about what you said yesterday: I sware I'll protect the two of you," Sora smiled. "Is it true?"
"Why would that be a fabrication? I told mom that I'll protect my siblings from anything," Shun informated.

Sora nodded but then went to her classroom. The blue haired boy walked to his class even if he didn't want to. He smiled to the purple haired boy who sat next to his seat.

"Good morning," Shun whispered.
Aren nodded, "good morning. Did little Kaidou not want to walk with you?"
"No he did, but Sora asked first," Shun explained sheepishly.
"Oh, okay! Did you two have a good walk?" Aren asked with a wide smile.
Shun nodded, "good, weird but good."
"What made it weird?" the purple haired boy asked
Shun whispered his answer, "the fact she wanted to walk with me to school, normally she walks with her friends."
Aren smiled, "you are such a good brother. When I was Toki's age: all I wanted was a brother like you."

The two chuclked a bit before their teacher walked into the classroom.


As the bell rang students slowly made their way outside. Shun had an add feeling as he walked out of the the building. He talked to Aren with a worrird look on his face.

"BIG BROTHER," Sora yelled, louder than ever before.

As soon as she yelled she turned the the busy street and started running. Shun started running to his sister, running faster than ever before. The cars almost crashed into Sora but someone yanked her out of the road. Shun pulled on Sora's jacket.

Sora whispered with a smile, "I wanted to prove that you're a hero."
"I'M NOT A GOD DAMN HERO!" Shun yelled, everyone crowded around the two.
"YES YOU ARE! YOU JUST SAVED MY LIFE!If that doesn't prove it, nothing will," Sora yelled with a slight smirk.
Shun sighed, "I'm just your brother and i was just stopping you from bring stupid."

Aren finally made it over and approached the two. The look of horror still confused his face.

"I think you impressed Kuboyasu," Sora whispered.
Shun jumped, slightly, "i don't care who's impressed, STOP BEING STUPID!"

The grey car that almost hit Sora finally made a stop. The guy got out of the car and started to head over.

"I want you to impress him, you'll get married after all," Sora smirked.
Shun froze a tiny bit, "I'm not going to marry Kuboyasu."
"I think you should marry Kuboyasu," Sora smiled at Aren.
Aren raised his hand and spoke, "i think you should marry Kuboyasu."
"Is everyone alright," the guy from the car yelled, finally arriving,
Shun sighed, "I changed my mind, go back and hit both of them."
"But Shun I'm going to be your best man," Sora yelled, clinging on Shun's back.

Shun started walking away as Sora held on, being dragged.

"I'm not going to marry him!" Shun yelled.
Aren yelled back, still by the guy, "Not yet at least!"

Shun huffed as he walked away, away from Aren so everyone couldn't see how flustered he was.

My Real Self Is With You (Shun Kaidou x Aren Kuboyasu)Where stories live. Discover now