#11- Who Did Who?

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Pairings: reader x everyone, even the hooker.
Warnings: this one gets a little gross and weird tbh

A/N: I think this was my favorite. I don't know how I thought it up, though. I did warn you guys my head was screwed up.

You woke up slowly, a headache pounding behind your eyes. You felt the cold sheets across your naked body, and a warm being next to you. You sat up, blinking, to look at your bedmate. It was a girl. You didn't usually go for girls. What had happened?

Then, last night came rushing back.

The hunt had gone spectacular, no deaths except a rugaru. You, Sam, Dean, and Cas were all thrilled. To celebrate, you all decided to have some drinks. You made up a drinking game where you drank every time Dean acted like an asshole. You got drunk fast. Sam made up a game where he drank every time Dean and Cas acted gay for one another. He got drunk fast, too. Dean drank every time you two annoyed him, so he got totally wasted in five seconds. Cas didn't get drinking games, so you had him down whiskey until he was wasted.

Then, you made some regrettable choices.

You were all out of it, so Dean called a hooker for Cas. She arrived and started drinking too. By the end if it all, everyone was wasted. Then, you got kinda frisky and made advances on Dean. He was kinda frisky too, so you two got it on. Cas and the Hooker did it too.

You got bored of Dean, and he of you, so you moved on to Sam. He flirted, you flirted, then you slipped into bed. He was hella dominant. Cas and Dean got it on in the other bed. The Hooker started to drunkenly dance throughout the room.

Finally, you and Sam were exhausted by each other, so you separated.

You were fairly sure the hooker was straight, but that didn't stop either of you from flirting. Come to think of it, you were straight too. Anyway, you ended up calling a second hooker, and the New Hooker and Sam got it on. Dean and Cas hadn't separated, just moved to the couch. You and the first hooker started kissing and eventually it just escalated. Then, you must've fallen asleep and ended up here.

You let out a small groan, but even that hurt your head. The hooker next to you sat up and began to dress.

"Hey, Cutie," she whispered to you. You rubbed your eyes and looked at her. "You were hella good. Just want cha to know."

You nodded tiredly.

"Thanks, man," you replied. The hooker smiled and went to her coworker.

"Babes, c'mon, we gotta go," she whispered to the other hooker who was draped around Sam. Babes the other hooker pulled herself up and got dressed quickly.

"Hey, how much do you want?" you whispered after them.

"Cutie, you don't need to pay us. That fucking night was our pay," the first hooker told you. She winked at you and left, Babes hot on her heels.

You shook your head. Hookers, man.

You let out a sigh and put on a bra and panties. Sam slowly rolled over, off the couch.

"Oof!" he grunted, landing in a heap. You threw on someone's plaid shirt. You weren't sure whose.

"Morning. Babes the hooker just left," you informed him. He stuck out a palm to shut you up. He had a bad hangover, too.

"No more drinking games," he groaned.

"At least, not ones about Dean's assholeness or gayness," you amended. Sam smiled, chuckling dryly.

"Yeah. Did he actually screw Cas?"

"Look for yourself. But we've all had our gay moments last night. I screwed the hooker. You almost screwed Dean."

Sam peered into the bed to see Cas and Dean spooning, naked. It had been a fucking weird night, he decided. You went into the kitchen area of the motel room and started making coffee.

"Coffee?" you offered. He nodded violently. Someone was desperate.

The coffee finally finished and you poured two cups. There was enough left for four more mugs. Sam came over and retrieved his drink. He sipped it and leaned against the counter next to you. You pulled yourself up so you were perched on the edge. The two of you drank your coffee in silence.

"Who didn't you screw?" Sam asked you after a while.

"Um... Cas and the second hooker," you replied, "You?"

"I didn't screw Cas or the first hooker," he replied.

"Wasn't the first hooker for him? Were you and Dean gonna share me?" You asked jokingly.

"We were wasted. None of us were thinking," Sam replied. You sipped your coffee.

"I can drink to that... well, maybe I shouldn't."

Sam chuckled and looked around. He was wearing pajama pants, no boxers you could assume. When Babes left, both were naked. Everyone had been naked.

Cas let out a small moan and curled up closer to Dean. You smiled.

"They're cute. You think they'll finally get together?" you asked Sam.

"You slept with me. Are we getting together?"

"Did you want to?" you asked, surprised. Sam had never seemed interested in you before, was he now?

"Woah, don't look so scared, Y/N," Sam chuckled. At that moment, Dean woke up and saw Cas. He leapt out of bed, then groaned as he felt his head pound. You chuckled.

"You alright there, Lover Boy?" you asked.

"Ah, shit. Who didn't I screw last night?" Dean asked tiredly. You poured him some coffee and gave him the mug.

"Sam and the second hooker. Did you screw the first hooker? I don't think so," you said thoughtfully. You looked at Sam for confirmation.

"Dean only screwed you and Cas," he confirmed. Dean nodded.

"It was a good night," Dean murmured.

"Thanks. Everyone's complimented me on my sex except Sam," you muttered.

"It was pretty damn good," Sam whispered to you. You grinned.

"Should I give Cas a taste?"

"You'll have to fight Dean."

The two of you looked over to where Dean sat, next to Cas, gently stroking his hair. The two of you glanced at each other and pointed at the couple.

"I ship it," you whispered in sync.

The End.

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