Challenged | part 47

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I quickly opened the door and ran upstairs, straight to Ari's room for her car key. As I was leaving her room a face popped up right in front of me.

"You're back already?"

"Simon!"I held my chest, "You actually scared me but I'm in a hurry, can't talk right now." I excused running past him. I didn't give him a chance to speak before racing downstairs and shutting the door. All questions were to be avoided at the moment.

"Okay, follow me." I said to Clara who was waiting for me outside. I couldn't let her in, at least not yet knowing Simon and Lori would be completely baffled. I walked her to Ari's car and we entered.

"You said you know the place?"

"Off the back of my hand." She simply answered typing the address in the GPS. Crazy enough I couldn't help but be curious about the relationship she had with Kylian.

Were they dating?

Were they planning to date if it came out that Kylian is the father?

All these questions drove me crazy. Absolutely crazy. It was best if I didn't know the answer to these questions or maybe it would've been better to actually know the answer to these questions so I could know not to get too comfortable.

"So....,"Clara started, "how's life been?"

"Not great to be honest,"I replied discretely. It was still too soon to spill all the beans about my life to her. "And how about you? How have you been?"

"Honestly, same. You know I miss the old days when we would be together with the rest and make all kinds of silly plans."

"I wonder how that ended,"I softly said.

"I know okay, it's my fault but still...and your mom—.."

"Well, look how wonderful the sky is!"I pointed at the window as the light turned red. "Isn't it beautiful!"


"And the birds, the tree—"

"Gabrielle! I know what you're doing and I need to know your answer okay?"

"Why? Why would you need to know the answer when you actually already know the answer? Do you want me to take you back?"I asked harshly. I couldn't believe she was asking about my mom as if she wasn't the reason why my mom sent me out of the house. At this point I couldn't recall why I was helping her after everything she'd done to me. Why was I in the car bringing her to a stupid training ground? Why did I suddenly care?

Dang it!

"What are you doing?" She questioned as I made a sharp u- turn.

"Going back what do you mean?"

"You can't go back! Have you forgotten everything I told you?"She raised her voice definitely getting agitated by the minute. To me it sounded like nothing anymore. I saw what she was trying to do and I didn't like it. I drove the car into a parking spot along the way for me to be able to clear my head up.

"Clara... I will take you to the training ground only if you stop asking me about my freaking personal life, okay? You get that?" I turned my attention to her turning the engine off.

"What? Why can't I ask you about your personal life? I thought we were friends again?"

"Howdy there! Don't go so fast. I said I forgave you not I'm your best friend again. Are you serious? Because those things are two different things and after all you've done you shouldn't expect me to take you as my best friend again that easily." I clarified.

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