When Harleen opened her eyes she let out a sigh. The girl gasped looking around in fear and amazement.

"W-Where am I?"She asked shakily. Klaus opened his mouth to speak but, someone beat him to it.

Harleen gave the girl a sideways glance. "Well you are in the Mikaelson manor."Harleen answered her question.

The girl nodded her head rapidly. Her blonde curls bouncing. Blue eyes shone with fear. Harleen suddenly felt pity for the scared blonde girl. "What's ya name?"Harleen asked trying to sound friendly.

"Muny. " She said. "Ok then Muny I'm Harley. "Harleen said. She then furrowed her eyebrows. "Do you know how you got here?"She asked already knowing the answer.

Muny shook her head no. "You should really run along home-"Harleen stopped to look out the window,"It's late."She finished.

Muny nodded. She sat the pitcher down, and ran for dear life even through no one touched her. Once Harleen knew Muny was gone she turned towards Klaus who was smirking.

"Ah, you never fail to amaze me love."Klaus stated now eating. Harleen nodded as she picked up her folk. "Yea. Well I'm sorry she tried to feed me blood."Harleen muttered.

"Ok now.."Kol said weirdly. "What's the problem?"Elijah questioned bluntly looking down at his food. Rebekah took a sip of her blood drink before turning to Klaus with a look that screamed 'explain.'

Klaus turned to face Rebekah with a annoyed look. Rebekah sighed before speaking. She took a deep breath. "Do you remember what mother told us about our significant other?"Rebekah asked taking a sip of her drink.

Kol nodded his head slowly while Elijah's eyes drifted off as if he wasn't there. Rebekah continued,"Klaus found his."She made a pointed look at Harleen who looked as if she was in deep conversation with Klaus. But, the thing was their mouths never moved. Kol furrowed his eyebrows.

Elijah's eyes suddenly shot towards Klaus confusion deep in his eyes."How?"He questioned.

Klaus let out a chuckle. "It's actually quite simple brother. " He said before adding,"I've got some wolf and vampire."

Kol threw his hands in the air."Ok! We know what the hell you are. No need to go though this again!"He said.

Harleen chuckled while Rebekah rolled her eyes.

"But mother said our significant had to be of our kind."Elijah recalled.

Kol nodded. "A vampire."He said. He looked at Harleen. "And she is not. I do not know what she is. But I know one thing."He paused and looked at Klaus,"She has some very tasty blood."He finished.

Klaus growled, and shoot up from his seat. Harleen looked up at Klaus.

Kol chuckled looking at Klaus."Ah. I see you still have that temper in you. But who am kidding? You are THE Klaus right? THE HYBRID?"Kol asked standing up from his chair as well.

Elijah sighed while Rebekah held a look of fear in her eyes.

Harleen noticed Klaus was breathing hard. She frowned, and looked at Kol who looked like he was about to make a move. Harleen placed her hands under the table and looked at her hands. A familiar blue mist appeared around her fingers. She looked at Kol before flicking a finger up.
Kol flew to the nearest wall behind him. He was about to lung himself. With her hands still under the table Harleen made a hand gesture that looked as if she was saying stop.

A blue mist appeared around Kol surrounding him. It kept him in place.

All eyes were now on Harleen. "What? He was about to hurt Klaus!"She almost yelled.

Elijah looked amused while Klaus chuckled. "Relax love. He can't do much damage to me."Klaus whispered in Harleen's ear even though everyone in the room heard him.

Harleen shot a questioning look at Kol. He sighed,"He's right." Harleen blinked a few times. The blue mist disappeared from around Kol.Muttering a few words Kol flashed back to his seat. His eyes flickered from Harleen to Klaus. "She's a keeper!"He sang. Klaus smirked.

"Back to business shall we?"Elijah asked. Rebekah rolled her eyes while Klaus nodded.

"Harley was attacked a mile away from here. Why? We don't know. By who? We don't know exactly."Rebekah explained.

"It was a vampire."Klaus added.

Kol laughed. "Okay? Don't see a problem here. Just one vampire? We are The Originals we can take care of that."Kol said amused.

"The vampire wasn't like you. It was invisible. It didn't even try to bite me just knock me unconscious."Harleen explained looking at Kol.

"Cold one? Why we they do something so stupid and foolish. Knowing we could kill them all off."Elijah said.

"Exactly brother. It wasn't the Volturi."Klaus said.

"They know better than to mess with us."Rebekah said angry. Harleen just watched confused she figured she would know what's going on pretty soon.

"Who was it then?"Kol questioned.

"A newborn? Perhaps. Their scent was fairly new.."Klaus trailed off.

"What's a newborn? And a cold one?"Harleen blunted out.

Kol chuckled.

"Well there is this different type of vampires. They are called the cold ones. Their heart is frozen and so is their skin. Their eyes change. If they feed from humans they have red eyes. If they feed from animals they have a golden color of eyes."Elijah explained.

"They have gifs. Like powers but they only have one."Rebekah added.

"Just like their hearts their frozen. Never growing old like us."Elijah said.

"Fire can kill them. Just rip their bodies part then burn it."Rebekah said.

Klaus sighed, "So easy to kill." Kol nodded with a glint in his eye. (AN- In this story The Mikaelsons are older than the Volturi.)

Harleen nodded speechless. "So someone's making a newborn army."She guessed.

"But why?"Rebekah asked.

"We will find out sister."

Yesterday's Demons {BOOK ONE}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें