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The cold water from the shower doesn't bother me. When I was younger the apartments my family was in barely had hot water or it would randomly turn off. Honestly, cold showers feel refreshing, energizing, and are over hated for no reason. I tried to wash my hair just because I couldn't wash up with all these boys staring. I wore a bikini for safety. I got out the shower and put on short, a shirt I cropped myself and the jumpsuit over it . At a certain point in every girl's life you figure out how thirsty boys are, this camp is a huge reminder.

I walked back to D tent , feeling eyes on me, sizing me up, guessing what size my tits are, imagining my ass pressed against them. The same looks I got at 13 when I was walking past the corner store wearing a tank top and shorts. MEN ARE PIGS.

All the boys are roasting each other hard. I sat next to magnet. My bestie's voice in my head says make a move. I lean into him and rest my head on his shoulder. Magnet's arm wraps around my waist and he leans a lil bit on my head.

Squid: Ur gay as hell

ZigZag: STFU i'm straighter than the pole your mom be dancing on

This gives me flashbacks from 3rd grade. I start laughing really loud. Once I start I can't stop.

Squid: Stefani stfu with yo big forehead ass

Me: Don't even talk to me Dollar Tree version of Chuck E Cheese. Get outta here wit yo ugly self.

This kept going for what felt like a long time.Armpit told us dinner was ready. I walked with Zero to the Cafeteria (I don't remember if it was called something else.) I want to try to be friends with him because I know what it feels like to be lonely.

Me: hey Zero, how long have you been at Camp.

Zero: 2 weeks

Me: Damn. Btw... How do you dig a hole

Zero: You've never dug a hole before

Me: Nope.

Zero: That's crazzzy. Just try to do it as fast as possible so the sun isn't that hot. Wsp up with you and Magnet.

Me: I like him but idk if he likes me. Also we kissed while he was giving me a tour of camp. Don't tell ANYONE.

Zero: I don't have nobody to tell soooo...

Me: I feel like you could get along with Stanley. You both seem lonely, no offense.

Zero: Maybe

We get to the mess hall and the other D Tent boys are already there.I get in the line and see the grossest looking food. This food make schoolie look bussin.

Magnet: Yo Steph, sit next to me.

The butterflies in my stomach are going crazy. Maybe he likes me back. Hopefully...

X-Ray: What you in here for.

Me: I got in a fight with some rich girl

Armpit: Is the other girl in juvie

Me: Nope, money matters more than the truth. She started it. I wouldn't be mad if she was here with me.

Magnet: Thats fucked up.

We all kept eating and talking until a bell rang. Magnet told me that means its lights out. I was walking next to him trying not to make it obvious that I like him. His face looks so relaxed and happy. His bandanna makes him look cute. All of us walked into the tent. I lay down and try to fall asleep. It's been a long day. I'm not excited to dig but the boys seem cool. I feel my eyes slowly get heavy and the world goes dark.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2023 ⏰

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