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Season 3 of Demon Slayer coming out very soon guys! Can't wait for you all to meet my boy Genya :)

Also since it has been a while since the last chapter update, I recommend that you reread the last chapter as this chapter builds off those revelations made in that chapter!

'Ohayoo' - Morning

'Matte' - Wait

Cerebrum - The largest part of the brain, the cerebrum initiates and coordinates movement and regulates temperature. Other areas of the cerebrum enable speech, judgment, thinking and reasoning, problem-solving, emotions and learning. Other functions relate to vision, hearing, touch and other senses. —Google Definition

Hippocampus - Hippocampus is a complex brain structure embedded deep into the temporal lobe. It has a major role in learning and memory.

I am not an expert in medical diagnosis, so if I get any of these terms wrong and/or if I should have used a different term for the situation please let me know :)


Y/n wanted to train. She so desperately wanted to train. Her entire small being was itching to jump out of her plush white sheets, the sheets that made her skin crawl every time she went under. She wanted to feel the bokken's rough splintered texture back securely in her grasp and hear it slice satisfyingly through the paper-thin shreds of whisps in the air.

However, she was eternally grateful for her demon slayer senses, because if she did not have them, she would have been caught in the act this very night. Y/n was in fact under her freshly washed sheets, pretending to be asleep as she felt the uncomfortable stare of someone watching her cautiously as she continued the fake act, taking long, slow, intentional breaths to mimic the action of someone in a deep slumber.

Why would someone be watching her? It wasn't Isabella for she would have heard the entrance door creek open upon her arrival. It was someone in the room, another girl like herself sleeping in the same identical beds watching her from across the room. Was it perhaps Emma? She isn't a very perceptive girl, but Ray and Norman definitely are. She had also come back later with Gilda after changing the baby diapers in the baby's room.

Y/n decided that it would be best to just wait until the unknown individual passes out, after all, 12-year-old girls could not stay up on their own accord without eventually falling asleep, their energy runs out too fast.

But whoever it was that was watching her sleep, had refused to bat a single eyelid closed for more than a millisecond, so neither of them had slept a single wink during the entire night. Which was fine with Y/n, since she hadn't actually planned on sleeping that night originally anyway. However, it was not okay for the black bags, red-eyed girl that greeted her first thing in the morning.

"Y/n!" Emma exclaimed, throwing her hands around the dull-eyed girl as Y/n groaned.


"You are being more clingy than usual this morning," Y/n muttered, trying to pull her hands away but this action only resulted in Emma tightening her grip and nuzzling her face on Y/n's cheek.

"Go away," Y/n bluntly scolded.

"Awe, I love you too Y/n!"

Emma finally jumped off Y/n's bed and grabbed her hand firmly, pulling Y/n off her bed and strutting to the door with Y/n idly following from behind, hand still attached. Emma then turned around to face the bustling room of female children running around with determination.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2023 ⏰

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