
2K 97 13

Four-eyes - Gilda
Twin-braids - Anna
Bunny - Conny
Antenna - Emma
Albino - Norman
Roosterhead - Ray
'Ohayoo' - Morning/ Good Morning

In case there is any confusion in this chapter, Anna, Gilda and Nat were not there when Emma, Norman and Ray found Little Bunny that night :)

Chapter 4: 131045




The bunny was gone.

Y/n was so confused, since no one, not even Isabella woke up earlier than her. But she guessed it was her mistake. She put down the stuffed toy on the table that night, how could she be so careless? She wasn't thinking properly.

She lost it. And now she was going to get it back.

"Four-eyes. Twin-braids," Y/n greeted, approaching Gilda and Anna who were setting up the plates and cutlery for everyone. They both gasped at her.

"Y/n!" greeted Anna. "How nice of you to come and talk to us this morning. How are you?"

"Do you know where Bunny's Little Bunny might be?" Y/n asked, ignoring the girl's question. The two looked at each other sadly at the mention of the six-year-old girl's name.

"Bunny?- oh you mean Conny!" Gilda said, confused at first on who 'Bunny' was. "I thought she took it with her, I saw her take it when she left with Mama."

"Same here," agreed Anna, putting out more plates. "But if it were to still be here, I haven't seen it."

Y/n nodded her head at that, turning to walk away when Gilda spoke up.

"It's really nice that we get to see your face more often," Gilda stated kindly. "Sometimes really miss you."

"Sometimes?" Y/n questioned. Both girls paused at this, but Y/n just chuckled softly.

"Just kidding," she said, finally leaving. (a/n - in case you haven't noticed, yn actually has a sense of humour)

She turned to approach Ray, who was just leaning against the wall like the little emo he was. As she was about to speak though, the said boy interrupted her.

"I heard you speak to Gilda and Anna," he said. He turned to face his two best friends. "Emma and Norman found it in the dining hall last night, and Emma freaked out. Conny and Mama hadn't left yet, so they went to the gate to give it to her. You can ask them."

"Oh, okay," Y/n murmered, before her eyes widened. "Wait, did you say they went to the gate?"

"What, going to rat them out?" he teased, knowing Y/n was more loyal than that. What alerted him though was the seriousness in her voice.

"Did they go inside the gate, Ray?" she demanded, Ray suddenly being taken aback that she called him by his real name.

"I don't know," he answered hesitantly. He thought for a bit, before adding. "You can go ask them yourself."

Y/n left without another word, leaving Ray with more questions as he stared at her retreating figure. Y/n knew she screwed up. First, she misplaces Little Bunny, resulting in it now being lost, and then she gets Roosterhead suspicious of her. Just her lucky day.

She paused when she saw Emma and Norman in close contact, Emma seemed tense while Norman held her shoulder firmly. It was a very tense scene, but then again, Y/n couldn't tell a happy scene apart from a sad scene and continued to walk over to them.

"Antenna, Albino," she greeted. Emma flinched at the sudden girl's appearance, Norman quickly taking notice of this and politely smiled at Y/n.

"Y/n!" he exclaimed, raising his hand for a wave. "Ohayoo! What brings you out here?"

"Roosterhead said you and Antenna ran out to give Bunny her Little Bunny back. Did you end up giving it to her?"

Both children's eyes widened slightly, Emma's breath hitching at her throat.

"I'm assuming Ray told you because we can trust you, right?" Norman asked with the same smile, despite the fact that he was panicking on the inside. "Alright, I trust you. We did go inside the gate, but Conny had left by then so we gave it to Mama."

Y/n could sense his misconceptions, but she didn't even need to sense them to know they were lying. Moreover, even if Y/n was too obtuse to figure out Emma's current emotional state, Norman was the one talking for Emma, meaning Emma couldn't physically bring herself to talk about the matter.

With this realisation, Y/n left, grabbing a knife from the kitchen behind Isabella's back as she walked past.




Training became more harsh for Y/n now. Since Emma and Norman now probably know about the demons, she suspected that they would want to escape sometime soon, meaning that she needed to be ready.

She roughly carved out her new bokken as she thought. Knowing Emma, she would want to escape with everyone, which is why Y/n didn't tell people in the first place. Even if she's known since birth, how was she supposed to explain how she knew without people thinking she was some kind of traitor?

The most logical way to escape would be with just the people who could make it, maybe even if it's just her, Antenna, Albino and Roosterhead. Usually, she would refuse to let emotion guide her to make decisions, but no matter how much she thought about it, the thought of leaving them three behind hurt.

As to why she hadn't escaped yet, it was simply because she couldn't think of a way. She knew about the pocket watch, she knew about the demons (obviously), and she knew about the other side of the wall. Whenever she tried to think of an escape her mind would wander elsewhere to a passing bird or a shape of a cloud.

She couldn't focus, ever. The only way she had any intelligence was by relying on her memory. That was it. The simple answer. Y/n wasn't even going to deny that she was stupid.

In fact, this was the most Y/n had thought about one subject before she... oh look a butterfly.




I know that there are no pictures, but that was because I had to half rush this chapter because I wont be able to write on the computer for a while.

A special thanks to the-real-muichiro, your comment has absolutely made my day and has increased my motivation even more to write this story. I cannot thank you enough you are so kind!

I promise I will add images later when I further edit this chapter, I am well aware that this chapter is not my best and rushed so there will be mistakes. I hope you can be mindful of that please :)

A shower thought for the day before you have to deal with reality: If the wind and water are both clear, why can we see water and not wind?

Y/n Tokito (a Kny x Tpn story)Where stories live. Discover now