11 (drunz) part 2 #3

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Tw: abuse, bullying

Royal au
Girl dream

No one's pov

It was her first day she walk straight to her classroom at her first period when she got there she saw some students doing some stuff or even talking at each other until they noticed her dream starting to get nervous but she ignore it so she walk towards her sit she can feel some other students keep looking at her when she sat down the others stops look at her continue what they're doing until the teacher came in.

"Alright class get back to your sits" the teacher said and the students went back to their sits "alright so today we have a new student please stand up and introduce yourself" after the teacher said dream got up from her sit and starts talking "hi my name is daydream rayhuff but call me dream for short that's all I can say" "alright dream thank you to introduce yourself" dream sat down to her sit then the teacher starts the class.

(Time skip)

After her first period dream went to her locker, when she open her locker there's a piece of paper had written on she took the paper then read it says "Meet me at the garden" she smile that this note came from punz she grab some stuff for her next class but theirs still on time so she headed to the garden.

(At the academy garden)

When dream went to the garden she was surprised because the place was beautiful (imagine it what it look like) she look around until she heard someone came when she turned around it was another student "hi I see you got my note" "your note?" the other student hummed 'oh I thought it was punz' dream thought "let me introduce myself, names shawn prince from the niether kingdom" "oh nice to meet you your majesty and why did you call me here exactly" the prince step forward a little in front of her "because I want you to be my girlfriend" dream's eyes wide in surprise but she frowned immediately that she already had a boyfriend.

"I'm sorry prince shawn I can't because I already had a boyfriend" dream said then the bell ring "I had to go it's nice meeting you your majesty" so that dream run to her next class because she was almost late leaving shawn behind of course shawn didn't like that he look to dream in rage because she rejected him and he didn't like it.

(Skip at lunch time)

The blonde already got her food until she saw someone waving at her she headed there until someone push her and got down everyone was gasp but some others were laughing at her she sat up look to her dress and it was a messed she look up and for her surprise it was shawn with his friends smirking at her while his friends were laughing she was mad of course she didn't want to start a fight "what the hell!!" she yelled "sorry didn't see you" shawn said and left followed his friends.

Everyday shawn and his friends continue bullying and abusing her some other students really want to stop him but they were scared because his kingdom was powerful (but not powerful as the arctic kingdom), when she was hanging out with punz the light blonde noticed her that she's acting strange making punz worried, dream was just being quiet and she didn't want to tell her family about what happened because she was scared and she thinks that her family will hate her for being weak for not fight back especially to punz she thinks he will left her alone forever, she went to her room and crying for being weak how her day was miserable.

(Months later exam score released)

All the students were nervous about their scores in exam especially dream too until the teacher came in "alright class get back in your sits and I will tell who is our top student and I know you all nervous, if one of you wasn't at the top sorry maybe next time at least you all did a great job" the teacher said while grabbing the test papers and giving to the students after giving it all dream look to her score and it was perfect no mistake she smile until the teacher announced the top "ok class the top student is daydream rayhuff for a perfect score congratulation" she smile and happy that she passed at the exam all the students were clapping and congratulating her but there's only one person who wasn't happy of course it was shawn.

Dream Harem one-shots (bottom dream)Where stories live. Discover now