Happy Birthday

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(I'm quite surprised this book is going better than all my others! Didn't expect that ehe- anyways, enjoy!)

There it was..I had to get out of here somewhere. One more second of being stuck here and I'll lose my fucking mind. It walked away..now's my chance. I slipped out of the small gap, running like there was no tomorrow. Not like there would be if I hadn't gained the courage to finally move. Then, I heard its footsteps. It screamed, making me feel like my ears would start bleeding any second. I ran and ran. Turning sharp corners here and there. But I was slightly surprised..It felt like it wasn't really chasing me. At least not as fast as last time. It felt weird..We weren't the only ones here...nevertheless, I kept running. 'Last one and I might actually lose it' I turned another corner, stopping to realize I had run into a dead end. 'Fuck'  I looked back 'its probably getting closer' I looked around, spotting a ladder leading to a hole. Do I go? Well, Its better than running from it forever...Last minute, I climbed up the ladder and into the hole.

I saw light at the end. And...was that music? Where was it coming from though? I crawled, deciding to take a break halfway. Then continuing forward. 'Shit...I need to pee' I cringed, its been sometime since I've used the bathroom, what do you expect? And with the amount of almond water I consumed the past few days. Nearing the end of the tunnel, I jumped out. Making sure to not make a sound. Footsteps 'No not again' I let out a small sigh, running to hide under a table. Not the best hiding spot, but if they're that stupid I'd be fine.

Two leathery yellow legs appeared from the corner, walking around the room before stopping somewhere...No...that was my flashlight. How could I be so careless? It started moving again. I thought it would walk away, but to my dismay, It stopped right in front of my table. 'No no no no no please..' "I know you're here darling, I'm not an idiot" Spoke a high pitched, glitchy voice. Darling? Some nerve. I didn't move. I refused. I'm not moving until it leaves. "Come on, there's no need to hide from me." It spoke once again. 'Hell to the fuck no' "Don't make me count" "You're not my mom.." I muttered. Before I even noticed, two arms slinked around my waist. Bringing me out of my hiding spot. I started punching and kicking, But to no use.

"Awh, you're not excited to see me? I'm hurt.." it put its hand on its chest as I was sat down on top of the table. "Get away" was all that I could get my mouth to speak. I knew how dangerous these guys were, even if he seemed to not take any interest in harming me..you'll never know. "You know, I'm the reason you're still alive. If I wanted you dead I would've let that bacteria catch you already. And not a single thank you? You're lucky I love you, hon" He leaned forward, Both of his hands resting of each side of the table, keeping me from switching places. "I've finally found you" I grimaced, in an attempt to slide further away from him and closer to the wall behind me. "ew." He reached up, tucking a small strand of hair behind my ear. "You're more beautiful in person" "what the hell is that supposed to mean?" before he could answer, more footsteps came. He quickly shoved me under a table. This time nearer to another room.

More of those partygoers approached. They all stood around him for a couple of seconds. As if they were having a silenced conversation or something. He didn't really looked to focused. So I took my chance to hightail it out of there. But for a split second, I saw his head snap towards me. I don't know if that was a good idea, but anything would be better than being stuck with that creep. 






Dead end again are you fucking kidding me?! I stood there, internally groaning as I slid myself underneath another table. Minutes passed and I finally saw him walk into the room again. "Love, come out I can see you" he said sternly. "Come on. I have some food for you..!" But I was stubborn. I didn't move. I heard him sigh, once again, getting grabbed by the waist only to be lifted up and sat on the table. "You're quite stubborn, you know that? You're lucky I love you" I pulled my knees towards my chest. Love me? I don't even know the dude. "here, take this" He slid me a cupcake, which had the words "Happy Birthday!" written on top of it with icing. how did he know? Maybe it was just a coincidence. "I'm not eating that. Its probably made of another wanderer you found roaming around or some sick shit like that" "what? why would I give you that?" "because you're a sick bastard. All of you are." "But on your own birthday? I'm not an asshole." He slid the cupcake towards me again. "Hurry, the candle's already melting." I sighed, taking the dessert in my hands and closing my eyes. 'I wish this was all a dream' then I blew the candle out. Just then, I felt a slight pain around my lower abdomen. 

Embarrassment suddenly took over. "What's the matter, cupcake?" I cringed once again. For some reason, pet names just don't sit well with me. I know it's supposed to be fluffy and all that, but it just seems a bit weird to me. And him calling me love, dear, darling and all that shit just makes me uncomfortable. It gave me some rather unpleasant memories.


"Darling, I'm sorry, really. But they had to die. You made me jealous."

"You don't even know how lucky you are. I protect and provide for you. Don't act so ungrateful, sweetheart."

"There you are. Did you really think you could escape buttercup?"


Yeah...not so pleasant memories. "You got a bathroom around here?" I finally responded. "Of course! right this way, darling." "Ew, stop calling me that." I grimaced. "Why? Using your name would be boring. I think they're cute for you!" I shook my head. A simple 'no' escaping my lips. He lead me down a few hallways, past some corridors, until we finally stopped. At the end were two doors on each side of the wall. "Here we are. A little warning though, the bathroom's here are super cramped." I shrugged, feeling a weight being lifted from my back. "Let me hold this for you" I reached up, trying to take my backpack back. "I'm fine, now give me back my bag!" he shook his head, slinging it over his shoulder. Completely out of my reach. If he weren't a partygoer, and not to mention creepy I'd say he's probably boyfriend material. Not being able to hold it any more, I let out a grunt of annoyance as I ran towards the bathroom.

Upon opening the door, I was quite immediately met with a toilet. He wasn't kidding when he said this place was hella cramped. Sitting down, the door was mere inches away from my knees. Not to mention the sink was in my face too. You call this a bathroom? I call this a cubicle. A claustrophobic's absolute nightmare. Though, I was able to do my business, wash my hands and get out. "Well that was quite fast" he chuckled, handing me back my bag as I snatched it away from him. "Talk about aggressive" he spoke between giggles. 

We returned to the previous room we were in. As I sat down, perching myself on top of the table. I felt my stomach grumble. Still, I refused to eat the cupcake. "You're hungry" I rolled my eyes. "Thanks captain obvious I know that" I spat. He slid the cupcake over to me. But I crossed my arms, shaking my head. I looked like a little toddler refusing to eat vegetables. "Don't make me force feed you Y/N" he sounded serious this time. I heard him unwrap the small pastry. before taking the back of my head, and pressing his mouth against mine. My eyes widened in shock. What the fuck was this man doing? I was quick to close off my teeth. "open" he mumbled through a full mouth. Soon, I felt him bite my lip. "ow, the fu-?!" his tongue finally found a way into my mouth. Feeling the mix of blood and red velvet flavored cupcake enter my mouth. Disgusting. "There, isn't that better? And don't think about spitting it out. I'll only make you eat it again" I hesitantly swallowed the food. Trying my best to not barf it all back out. 

He brought his mouth back to mine once again. Keeping his hand firmly on the back of my head to keep me from moving away. The kiss quickly got heated. Quickly turning into a full blown make out session. I refused the urge to let out a moan. But it came out, sadly. I could feel his smile widen at that. About a minute passed, and we finally parted. I took in as much air as I needed. Did I like it? oh god I hope not. his hand moved from my head down to my waist. His hot breath fanned my skin as he lowered his head towards my neck. I felt a slight pain in that area. He was giving me hickeys wasn't he. Shit. He moved his mouth away from my neck. Some saliva still hanging on from his mouth towards the area he had left the love marks. 

"Why'd you do that?" I asked. Tilting my head in an attempt to take a look at my new marks. 'I'll have to cover this up somehow' As if reading my mind, he replied "Don't cover my bite marks. If you do I might have to add something more obvious" I sighed "Yeah, but why though" I made a face. "Sweetheart, I have to mark you. How else is everyone gonna know you're mine?"


dAYUM 1700 words. Didn't know I'd make it this long. I say no smut and yet I make this, welp. I will be making a part 2 soon, so stay tuned. See ya! ♡♡


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