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(The fact we both have the same name- oh right, welcome to yet another book! like all the other one shots u are free to leave suggestions or requests! ᵖˡˢ ⁱᵐ ᵇᵉᵍᵍⁱⁿᵍ ᵘ. Anyways, let us get on with the story.)


You shouted to literally anyone who could hear you. You walked the endless floors of the abandoned office building. cautious for any noise or entity you might see or hear. "Seems you're lost?" a voice asked, right behind you. You swiftly took out your small pocket knife, pointing it towards the entity before you. "Who the hell?! stay back!!" you warned, your shaky hands firmly holding your weapon as  the entity inched closer. "Don't worry, I mean no harm." You raised a brow of suspicion. He lowered the knife you had in hand. "My name is Aiden." "Y/N" you replied.

"Pleasure to be meeting you" he held out a hand to which you shook. He seemed to be quite a passive entity. So you decided to trust him. For now. Pushing your knife back into your pocket. "Am I on level 4?" he nodded. He looked like a security guard. "You work here?" "I actually work in a mall. Its abandoned now though.." 'level 33?' you thought. You coughed, searching your pockets for any left over almond water. 'shit..probably dropped it somewhere.' "Take this, you must be thirsty." He handed you a bottle of almond water. You gratefully took it from him and gulped it down like air.





You had decided to wander off without Aiden's supervision. Without realizing your mistake..You screamed bloody murder as you suddenly had been tackled to the ground, some human looking shit on top of you, your arm in its mouth as you felt the thick red liquid drip all over your top. 'shit Shit sHIT SHIT SHIT' in a panic, you started calling out for help as you tried to pry the hound off of your arm, with little to no use. You heard a loud ticking noise. The hound yelped and ran off to reveal Aiden. Tazer in hand. "You know, you shouldn't be wandering off alone. Why don't you keep near me this time hm?" You nodded. "are you perhaps, with the M.E.G?" he asked, helping you sit up so he could get you fixed. "Um, no? What's M.E.G?" now it was your turn to ask. "Major Explorer Group. Lets just say they're a military government of sorts. I would take you there but I don't have much of an idea on where it is.." He muttered.

"I think I'd rather just stay with you for the meantime then." As he knelt down, he brought out some band aids, tissues, and hydrogen peroxide. Warning you about the antiseptic liquid he was about to put onto your bleeding wounds. You watched as he did his work, cleaning up the blood and putting the hydrogen peroxide onto your arm. Hissing as the wound whitened and bubbled. "blow" you obeyed, blowing onto your arm. 'Dunno how this makes it better'   You thought to yourself.



"There, all done." You stood up, but quickly fell onto the security guard's arm as you lost balance. "Careful, why don't you rest first?" Aiden suggested. "You sure? What about that damned hound?" "Its fine, I'll protect you. I'm not called a guard for nothing. Now go to sleep" He held you by the legs and back, carrying you bridal style. Then bringing you towards a wall.

"Sweet dreams, Y/N"

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