-Did you find something?- asked the harp

-No, but at least I finished searching the south wing-


Both creatures were silent for a moment while they contemplated the sky full of bright stars and what stood out most of the night the moon, a beautiful and huge full moon, there was a little wind that night despite the arrival of spring the nights are usually cold in the forest

"It's cold," said the harp, capturing the attention of the nahual

-A little, does it bother you?-

-Not at all, I like to feel the cold breeze on my face -

Adorable. The nahual thought before such a beautiful confession from his partner

-Did you have fun with Karen?-asked the nahual while he lay down on the grass next to the harp

-Yes!, we did so many things Kenny, we talked, we ate the strawberries, we went to the falls for a while, we played hide and seek and- he harp was so enthusiastic about everything he had done with Karen, Kenny just focused all his attention on the words that came out of the harp's lips, he looked so fucking cute telling her about his day.

-Oh and I made him some braids that were beautiful, he seemed very happy with how they looked-

-Looks like they had a lot of fun-

-Yes... but it would have been more fun if you had been here- the harp turned her head to look at the nahual

-I'm sorry Butters, but you deserved that rest-


Why do you always put others before yourself? The one who deserves it is you, you deserve everything good in this damn world, why do you give it to someone else? I love that about you but at the same time I hate it- I thought the nahual hearing that

-You also do a great job, it's unfair that I rest while you work for me, so please, if you're going to watch, tell me so I can go with you-

-Butters and I told you I can do it alone-

-I know but... -

The harp paused as he began to play with his hands and lowered his gaze.

-But?- asked the nahual, the harp returned to direct its gaze to the tallest blonde

-If you do it, I'm just afraid that you don't need me anymore and...I'll be alone again-

-Ohh...Leo calm down, I'm sorry I won't make a decision like that again without asking you first, I promise I will never, ever leave you alone-

-You promise?-

-For my life-

-Well, I trust you Kenny, if you want to take a break, tell me so we can both take it, if you want to watch until late, tell me so I can stay with you until we finish, there are 2 of us, remember that I didn't plan on leaving you all this alone either-

The forest Park. [ Translation in English ] Where stories live. Discover now