-Kenny, are you in pain,” Butters asked.

-I think that’s enough strawberries, let’s-let’s go,” said Kenny, taking his wolf form.
Butters was confused but listened to his friend, grabbed the pitcher with his mouth, stretched out his arms and took flight following Kenny.


-What can I do now?” said Heidi.

-Calm down my friend, I have a plan that will benefit us both,” said Cartman.

-I hear you,” said Heidi, crossing her arms.
-Look, there’s only one thing to do to get Kyle away from Stan,” said Eric.

-And what’s that?” asked Heidi.

-Get rid of Craig,” said Cartman.

-Wait… Who’s Craig?” asked Heidi.

-Craig is the idiot who went into the forest before Stan and his friends, if we get rid of him and make Kyle look like the killer again, Stan and the other idiots….

-They’ll get away from Kyle and never come back,” said Heidi, understanding the fat man’s plan, “Eric is a brilliant plan!

-said the fairy, “but where is this Craig?

-That’s the problem, we have to find Craig,” said Cartman, “He must be in the woods somewhere,” said Cartman.

-Mmm… Maybe someone knows about him, someone who’s always roaming the forest…. THAT’S PIP!” said Heidi.

-Who?” said Cartman.

-Pip is an elf, they can communicate with animals, maybe he knows something,” said Heidi, “he lives in a burrow in the south-west wing,” said Cartman.

-Oh great, that means we have to walk more,” said Cartman annoyed.

-Heidi said, “Heidi, I’m sorry…. Why are you offering to help me?” asked Heidi.

-The truth is, I don’t want to go out of my way to look for those idiots and Craig so it’s easier for them to get back on their own,” said Cartman.

-You’re lazy,” said Heidi, “You’d better move forward to get this over with faster.


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Heidi started walking in a south-west direction being followed by Cartman.


The forest Park. [ Translation in English ] Where stories live. Discover now