Chapter 2

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Kenny's P.O.V

To my dismay Saturday came around quicker than what I would have liked the whole week all I could think about was Butters and me being alone together in my car. There was a time where I actually looked forward to that but now I just feel sick.

I got into my old clunker. It used to be a rusty clunker that was barely reliable but now that I fixed it up with my own money. I had no problem A.getting hot chicks and B.getting to point to point.

I pulled up to Butters house thinking about how the whole time I was getting ready Karen was teasing me and telling me how it was finally time for me and Butters to get back together and live happily ever after. I just sighed and told her most likely not and to not get her hopes up.

I looked at the house where I had picked the young boy up from so many times. Linda and Stephen had their custody taken away in about 6th grade. mostly cause they where psychotic abusive idiots. 

so PC Principle and Strong woman of all people stepped up and took Butters in he was able to come out. without fear and they encourage him to live his best possible life their kids also took a strong liking to him now they're more like siblings.

He heard the door open then some shuffling then the sound of the door closing. I finally looked up to see Butters in black ripped jeans with fishnets underneath a black shirt with black finger less gloves that went up to his elbows.

"Um" was the only word that could make it out of my mouth before clearing my throat and looking back at the road. I set off trying my best to keep to myself.

The first five minutes were tense as hell. My breathing could be heard, the sound of Butters shifting uncomfortably in his seat, the cracking of his knuckles.

It took me 10 minutes to break the silence.

"So were is Mike taking you a fucking...umm...blood sacrafice" I asked jokingly giving a painfully awkward laugh.

Butters gave a shy chuckle before nervously pulling on his hair which I couldn't help but admit it 

was cute.

"Oh no theres this stupid like punk rock concert going on he promised to take me to the Hello Kitty place near by after word"

I tensed a little while squeezing the steering wheel until my knuckles turned white.

"Mm you and Mike huh?"

Butters looked over at me, his face filled with shock and disappointment.

"Kenny, me and Mike aren't together" he sighed and looked away.

I looked over at him suddenly ridden with guilt.

"Sorry sorry I shouldn't have accused you all the sudden besides you can date whoever you want" saying that last part made me feel like I had prickles coming out of my mouth.

"Thanks Ken I'm just not interested in dating at the moment" Butters said shortly, picking nervously at his fingers.

"Hey don't do that" I said instinctively, reaching over and grabbing his hand, squeezing it softly.

I felt my heart almost stop when I did so I quickly pulled away and put my hand back on the steering wheel.

"Sorry" I muttered a whole new wave of awkwardness flowing over us. I went quite again, cursing at myself softly for once again ruining the moment.

"So what do you plan on getting at the Hello kitty store?" I asked after a couple minutes rubbing my steering wheel nervously.

Butters lit up and smiled at me.

"Oh my goodness there's this new handheld mirror I've been dying to get. It's so expensive online because of dropshippers but at the official store it's only about 20 bucks!"

My face grew into a stupid grin I always loved when Butters went on these little rants.

"Really now what about that Hello Kitty Beach stuffie you always wanted?"

Butter let out a squeal kicking his legs excitedly.

"Ugh I just got it in the mail yesterday I love her soo much!"

He pulled out his phone. I looked down and saw pictures of Butters holding a tanned hello kitty plush in a cute red bathing suit. I chuckled and looked up at Butters and into his eyes feeling a calming sensation flowing over me.

Then Everything went black.

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