Chapter Three: The little Girl

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Katara didn't know what to do. There was a little green eyed girl staring up at her and she couldn't give them any information on where she lived. They took her back to the port in hopes her ship would be there but they had been a day away from the town and Ayana didn't find her ship. The girl cried and they didn't know what to do with the three year old.

"Ayanna, I promise you, we will find your dad, okay?" Aang, the bald boy, says to her. Ayanna sniffles looking at him.


"Yeah, but we need more information. What does your ship look like?" Katara's voice is soft as she asks.

"It's black."

"A Fire Nation ship?!" Sokka questions frightened.

"Yeah!" Ayanna cheers. Katara looks uneasy and so does the other two.
Aang's eyes are wide as he thinks.

"Guys she must belong to one of Zuko's men." Ayanna knew she heard that name before. Sometimes people yelled it mostly her Uncle. She didn't know who it was directed at. Her dads name was daddy after all.

"Then why are her eyes green?" Sokka questions looking at the little girl. She looked like any earth kingdom civilian to him. She was small definitely no older than three. Her hair held a Fire Nation headset in it though. She must be a half breed. Sokka sighed, "We'll run into them eventually. We'll just have to find a way to give her back with them shooting flames at us. Spirits hope they don't think we kidnapped her."

"They probably will."

"I'll tell daddy you didn't! He listens to me!" Ayanna smiles rocking back and forth on her heels. They couldn't help but smile at the little girl. She was so cheerful. Soon they find themselves walking through a forest. Sokka had demanded that they not fly as Appa was too noticeable. Ayana didn't mind walking. She thought it was fun. She didn't get to do this much.

She'd been all over the world but they never stayed in one spot too long. Her father loved to keep them moving. The woods were pretty. Lots of colors mostly oranges and reds. She liked the color orange. It was the color of her dad's flames.
She skips ahead of the group a bit. Not far enough to get lost just enough to give her room to dance.

Suddenly she's thrown up in the air in a tight little net. She cries out. "Kat! Kat!" She yells out to Katara.

"Aang!" Katara exclaims. Aang nods flying up to her. He releases her and Sokka catches her as she falls down. Her hands stay wrapped around his neck. "Hey it's okay, Ayanna. You're safe."

"I don't like the woods. They're mean." She grumbles letting go of Sokka as he sits her down. Katara hurry's to her, looking her over for any injuries.

She's pleased to not find any. Katara didn't exactly know what to think of the little girl. She felt as if he needed to protect her. In all honesty, Katara saw herself in the little girl. A girl with only a father who was in the war yet she was kind and happy. Katara wished she could be as carefree as Ayana.

Unfortunately the four of them stumble right into a Fire Nation camp. Ayanna seems unfazed at the Fire Soldiers but Katara keeps the little girl behind her. Ayanna isn't sure why the men are being mean but she's glad when they are all put to sleep. She isn't happy to be near the fight though. It's scary. A man comes near her and she freezes.

Firefly (Zuko's daughter) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon