Edward x Y/N

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(I will try my best to write this well. also this is gonna be season 1 ed from gotham, since i am still on season 1 :') )    Anything in these "bracket thingys" = [ ] will be thoughts.

You were a reporter who worked for Gotham Gazette. You were told by your boss to go and talk to Jim Gordon at the GCPD for information on one of the new cases he was working on. You had already been walking around all day, and your feet were hurting due to wearing heels. But you managed to get through the day so far, what's a few more hours? Plus it wasn't so bad since the GCPD was only a 15 minute walk from the Gotham Gazette. 

After grabbing a coffee as a little pick me up, you finally made your way into the station. Some of the police officers greeted you, some ignored you, and some just glared at you. You went up to one of the officers sitting at their desks. "Do you possibly know where Jim Gordon is?" You ask him. "He'll be back in a bit, you can sit over there or just leave," The officer said with slight venom laced in his voice. ["Geez, tough crowd, huh"] You just decided to shrug it off, and walk over to the area where he pointed. 

You had been sitting there for about 10 minutes before a slender man with glasses, and very tight, slicked hair walked over towards you. He then leaned over and asked you "What does a newspaper reporter use to dry himself after his shower?" You look at him in confusion. He stands there for about 5 seconds before telling you the answer. "Paper towels. He dries himself with paper towels. Get it?" 

You look at him and let out a snort. After laughing for a moment, you correct your form and posture back to the original way it was before this odd man came over. "Oh my goodness, yeah, I do get it," you let out another little chuckle. "That's funny, really funny," you say, followed by a warm smile. He smiles back, and opens his mouth once again, most likely to tell another riddle, but he gets called over by somebody. And politely says bye before walking away. 

Finally, you see Jim Gordon walk in, and you get up to talk to him. After getting most of the answers you needed, and some sass talk from his partner Detective Bullock, you walk out and head back to the Gotham Gazette. 

The next few days, you keep heading back to the GCPD to learn about the case, and each time you interact with Edward. He had told you his name the second time you came. , you were told to go back one more time. You walk and the first person you are greeted by is Edward. HE had greeted you at the door since the third day. He immediately starts bombarding you with facts, and riddles, as he had been doing these past few days. One of the cops yell at him. "Hey Nygma, stop bombarding the pretty woman with all your stupid riddles and crap. She not your type, she'd be more interested in a man like me," It was the same man who had just dismissed you the other week. You yell back "Actually he is my type, not you. You're too rude for me," He looks at you and smiles. "I never got your name by the way," you tell him. "Edward. Edward Nygma," He tells you. "How about you tell me more riddles and facts over dinner?" you ask him. He looks at you a bit surprised, and his cheeks turn red, but he gives a small smile and tells you yes. 

(Sorry for the crappy writing, I just did this quickly) 

(594 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2023 ⏰

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