IX: Dear Son-in-Law

Depuis le début

After all, she was where Katsuki got his intimidating factor from.

After bowing to the apporiate level, he took his seat across from her.

"Good Morning, Mrs.Bakugo-," He started, ensuring he didn't make eye contact, knowing how much she hated when someone she deemed beneath her would do so.

"You are late." She simply stated, not missing a beat, or rather a sip of her tea.

Using her pinky she placed it back onto its matching plate, gently dabbing her lips with a napkin, before pushing the finished meal aside.

She interlaced her fingers and placed her hands onto the table in a folded serious manner.

"I hate it when people are late." She added, her eyes sharp on him. "I said 11:00 AM exactly, not 11:02."

Kaminari kept his mouth shut, only acknowledging what she said with a nod.

He looked slightly upwards, listening to her sigh.

"How are things going with my brat?" She inquired, "I take it it's going well and he has shared with you plans to get married and potentially bear a pup for this family's and yours next generation?"

Kaminari swallowed hard.

Of course.

The idea of physical labor disgusted him, but if he wanted to remain in this cushy spot in the Bakugo Family, he had to uphold his bargain of the deal laid out by his parents to Katsuki's.

"Yes, he says he's been thinking about it." Kaminari's hook his head, knowing he was lying through his pearly whites.

Mitsuki pressed her back against the suede dining chair.

"Don't lie to me boy." She stated, exhaling with a boring breath, "I hate liars already, but I hate them even more if they think that they can get away with fooling me and jeopardizing my family's legacy and lineage."

"Your family's status is secretly declining and you are lucky I decided to even hear that lousy model and piss poor woman you call a mother out in considering you to be a courting mate."

Kaminari bit the inside of his lip, "I'm aware, and I'm very grateful."

Mitsuki stood up, even her tearing people down sounded dreamy, "I wouldn't have even chosen you had it not been for the supposed charming qualities you possessed and for the fact that I'm aware my biological clock has been degenerated by each passing day."

She adjusted her matching purple house slippers and closed the laptop fully before hugging it to her chest.

"See to it that before anyone even had a thought of me being placed in a care hospital you have a ring and are at least a week long, otherwise you and your parents can kiss the high life goodbye."

And with that, she left, telling Rumi to ensure he left within 2 minutes of her going back upstairs.

Kaminari sucked in a breath, before finally standing up and walking outside without another word.

In his car, he shut the divider between him and his driver, before resting his elbow along the power window ledge and covering his mouth.

Streak of tears fell from those all perfect, all alluring eyes of his.

He placed a hand on his stomach and looked down.

Get married and have an heir.

She didn't care for him as potential family or even just as a dear son-in-law.

She just wanted to ensure Katsuki didn't chase after the wrong person.

He pulled out his phone when he felt like had she'd enough tears, turning on the front facing camera he wiped his face and fanned it slightly so irritation wouldn't build up around his eyes.

He took two photos of him smiling and looked back at them.

Just keep smiling.

He just needed to be patient.

It's not like Katsuki had his sights on anyone else, if he did he wouldn't have taken Kaminari on as a distraction if it was for another person.

It was just for work and nothing else.

"I am his distraction." Repeating over and over until he got back to his shared penthouse.

The car sped past trees, other cars and people who lived their lives possibly without distractions.

Even unknowingly passing the person and the pup he was meant to be the distraction for.

He'd later find out. He would.

𝐓𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐳𝐮 ||𝐊.𝐁 & 𝐈.𝐌||Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant