Chapter 20 - The Guns

Start from the beginning

      Her community was known to have the biggest supply of animals and food. It's why many others sought them out for trade.

"I hope they haven't had a run in with the Elitists." From what she's heard, the Outsiders were a tough group. Kind of creepy too with the whole 'wearing demons' thing. Her father met with their leader one time and said it was pretty unsettling.

"The Elitists should hope not to run into them." Yama muttered. "If looking over your shoulder for other demons wasn't enough, you had to worry about getting worn by humans too."

"So that's a no for going to the city then?" It's not like she wanted to go anyways. Being constantly surrounded by skyscrapers and massive structures... It didn't sound ideal.

    Yama threw away another item not worth keeping. "Unless you want to die, then no."

    Suddenly, somewhere in the distance, a round of gunfire rang out.

     Both demons jumped up at the sound. It sounded pretty far but close enough to hear. It only lasted for a few seconds, then nothing. They both waited in silence for anything else but after a minute of listening, Yama decided that it must've stopped.

      Almost out of habit, she immediately thought of the Elitists again but they don't use guns. As far as she knows, no demon uses them. 'Humans?'

     Yama got up from the couch and placed a finger on his lips to motion for her to stay quiet. She nodded and got up too. He was going to check it out.

      Before she followed him out, she grabbed her rifle and made sure it was loaded as she caught up with her partner. They stepped over the trip wire at the entrance to the hidden path and traversed through the rocky interior until they reached the boating shop. Climbing through the hatch and going over to the boarded-up windows, (Y/N) held her rifle close while Yama took a peak outside through the cracks.

      The gunshots sounded closer to the boating shop than they did the cabin which was good but they were still too close for his liking. 

      (Y/N) also glanced through the window shutters on the front door. Should she still be worried if the shots belonged to humans and not demons? They haven't had any negative encounters with any humans, besides Yama's warning about Zone 10. She has to remember that she was a demon now. Humans won't treat her the same as them anymore. 

"Don't see anything." Yama whispered to himself. 

"You think whatever it was is gone now?" She asked.

"Could be-"


     (Y/N) froze up and Yama quickly followed the sound. They sounded much closer this time. Maybe just a couple of streets away. 

      After another minute of waiting, the sound of heavy tires and engines started fading in. The smell of rich gas wafted through the windows and filled both demons' nostrils. Immediately, they both knew it was a Zone coming through.

     As if on cue, through the cracks in the windows, several trucks started to pass by. Yama and (Y/N) could only make out the heavy-duty tires and the legs of Capturers who walked alongside the vehicles. (Y/N) continued to watch, wondering if she should be scared or not while Yama moved his eyes over to her.

      He had that chip behind his ear, he should be fine. But she didn't. If this was Zone 10 they wouldn't even spare her a glance. But Zone 10 never came this far near the lake before. 

      The two waited silently as the trucks pass. (Y/N) noticed how after the smaller ones in front went, three larger and massive vehicles followed suit. Their tires were an entirely different material and way bigger to help carry the weight. Her mind flashed back to the glimpses she would get of the Zone that visited her community. She knew their vehicles were massive but she's never seen a part of them this close. 

      Suddenly, someone yelled out a command and soon all of the vehicles halted. Then more gunshots came. (Y/N) got low to the ground and backed into the nearest corner with her rifle clenched to her chest, her knuckles turning white from how hard she was holding the gun. Yama held a hand up to tell her to stay calm as he moved a bit to get a glance at what they were shooting at. He couldn't see much but he did notice a dead demon, one of the stragglers in the small town they were in. More shots came and soon another demon was dropped dead to the ground. The idiots must've tried attacking the Zone.

     Yama still tried to find the Zone number but they were still too far away to see more than just the tires. But once no more demons came around, the Zone finally started moving again and it wasn't long until they had gone out of sight away from the boating shop. 

      (Y/N) saw how her partner relaxed and slowly she crawled out of the corner and got to her feet to glance outside. They were gone. 

"First time any Zone came this far to the lake." Yama muttered, finding a couple of crates and using his abilities to move them toward the front door, barricading them inside. 

"Do you think they're 10?" (Y/N) whispered, still shaken up.

     The barricade was finished quickly and gave (Y/N) some comfort. He didn't have to do this but better safe than sorry. "I didn't see a number. Could've been anybody."

"Should we be worried about them?" She asked, tossing her rifle over her shoulder. "You said Zone 10 wasn't forgiving. What about the others?"

"As long as they don't know we're here, we should be fine either way." He'll have to make a quick trip outside later to see where the Zone went. Maybe find its number too. But not right now while they're shooting down the stragglers. They would probably mistake him for one and shoot him down too.

     He stepped away from the front of the shop and nodded his head back to the hatch. "Let's go."

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