"Fine I'll take it" she said laughing as well

We sat in a comfortable silence for a little while as we were both still waking up, I placed my now empty cup of coffee on the coffee table and leaned back slightly on the sofa

"If you want I'll drive you back to your apartment so you can sleep a little more you look tired still and then maybe later we could go to brunch or something" Leah said looking over at me

"Yea sure im definitely still tired and brunch sounds nice i mean we do start training again tomorrow so might as well make the most out of today"

"Yea your right let me just get my keys one sec" Leah said standing up


Leah had dropped me off at my apartment and I
Got straight back into bed just wanting to go back to sleep, I wondered tho what Leah thought when she woke up and saw us so close together if it were me my heart would be going a million miles a minute and I would of just had to sit there for a minute and think about what was happening I let myself think and think it over before I drifted back into sleep

I woke up a second time to an alarm I didn't even know I had set and quickly turned to shut It off before taking it of charge to see a text from Leah

'I know your probably sleeping but I just wanted to let you know that brunch is at half 12 and Katie, Jordan, lotte, Beth and Vivianne are coming as well, I'll text u the address of the place in a second xx"

I smiled at the text but I felt nervous while me and the girls had been getting on very well me and Jordan hadn't really clicked yet, we were friendly with each other she would congratulate me on goals and I would do the same with her but off the pitch we rarely spoke and whenever I was with Leah I feel as though she'd act cold towards me but I didn't think much of it but I was sure that I would bring it up with Leah at some point

I checked the time to see it was 11:15 so i had plenty of time to get ready so that's what I started to do

I decided to dress in light colours seeing as it was a sunny day and let my hair down only wearing light make up and I started to set off to the brunch place it was only around 30 minutes away so it wasn't a long drive at all

I pulled up to the place parking next to a familiar car before getting out and walking into the cute little cafe the girls had chosen to go to

I quickly spotted the girls sat on a long table nearer to the back of the cafe and walked over

"Sorry I'm late" I said taking a seat next to Leah

"Your not actually late we're just all early" Beth said smiling

"Oh well sorry for being on time" I said jokingly which the girls all laughed at

The waiters had just served us I got the avocado on toast with smoked salmon it was one of my favourite foods I had that along with a matcha latte,

Me and the girls were among comfortable conversations when Katie just had to make things a little bit awkward

"So when are you gonna tell us" she said looking at me and Leah

"Tell you guys what" I said looking briefly at Leah who looked just as confused as me

"Why weren't we invited to your super secret sleepover" she said smirking

I looked at Leah as though to say how do they know when I realised she obviously told them when I wasn't there, I wasn't mad or anything I was just a little taken a back

"Well I mean it wasn't planned or anything" I said

"Yea we were just watching a movie and fell asleep no biggie" Leah said quickly said after me

"Uh huh sure" Katie said

I gave Katie a knowing look to which she smirked at me in return

"I think I'm gonna go to bathroom" Vivianne said

"Yea i think I'll go too" literally all the girls said in almost unison except Katie and me

They all left the table only leaving the table with me and Katie and as soon as they left Katie laughed

"Your awful" I said jokingly but pretending to be serious

"aren't I" Katie breathed out sarcastically

"But on a serious note it was really just an accidental sleepover" I said

"I know but do you really not see it"

"See what"

"That Leah's literally got the biggest crush on you"

"What" I said probably a little bit louder than I intended

"Don't act so surprised do you not see the way she looks at you she's whipped and so are u I can tell every time she's around your cheeks go red " Katie said knowingly

"That's so not true Leah most definitely doesn't like me like that"

"She does trust me I've seen Leah the way she is with you before and she's most definitely head over heels for you"

"Wait what do you mean you've seen it before" I asked

"Oh I- I think it's better it doesn't come from me"

I nodded my head and tried to connect the dots in my mind when I saw the girls walk back to the table and when I saw them it clicked in my head

Jordan and Leah

Hand in hand ; 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐡 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now