Episode 10: Third Results & Final Mission!

Start from the beginning

"Alright, let's see who is currently in fifth place." Ryujin said, moving on to open her envelope. Her eyes widened when she saw the results. "Jumping a whole 5 places, in fifth place is...trainee #11, Niccolò Ricci, with 1,320,000 votes!"

Surprised but happy, the male made his way to the 5th place chair.

"Niccolò, originally you were part of the four-way tie for 4th place after the first mission, and then you dropped down to 10th place." Eunbyul explained. "Now you are back up to the top 6. Do you think placing second in this last mission helped you?"

"I'm sure it definitely did." Niccolò responded. "But I got second place due to people voting for me so I can only thank the viewers and I hope they will continue to support me."

"I'm sure they will." Ryujin smiled then turned to the camera. "Now let's move onto 4th place."

The hosts looked at their cue cards and didn't seemed phased by the results.

"In 4th place, with a total of 1,520,000 points..." Leah paused for suspense. "Is trainee #12, Kwon Jinhae! Congratulations!!"

Everyone cheered for the trainee who has placed high almost every time as he made his way to the 4th place chair.

"Congratulations Jinhae." Ryujin started off before moving to her question. "Despite getting 300,000 extra votes for getting 3rd in this mission, you still fell from the last ranking where you were 3rd place. It's very possible you couldn't have made the top 6 without the extra votes today. Does this worry you moving forward?"

Jinhae let out a heavy sigh. "It's hard to say without knowing how many points 6th or 7th place has currently, but I'm going to continue to work hard and show my true colors. If people don't like me, all I can do is respect that. But I hope I can still surprise them in some way."

"Well said from such a young trainee." Leah said, a bit surprised. "Now let's see who is in 3rd place!"

"Waah~" Eunbyul said as she read her cue cards, which caused the trainees themselves to perk up in curiosity. "In 3rd place...with a total of 1,560,000 votes...is...trainee #9, Isaac Boivon! The mission winner!"

With a small smirk on his face, Isaac makes his way to the 3rd place chair.

"After winning the mission and receiving 400,000 votes, you are only in 3rd place." Leah said, not really thinking about how it sounds. "How does this make you feel?"

Isaac scoffs. "Well, honestly, I think 1st and 2nd places are kind of set in stone so I think 3rd place is the best one can do for winning a mission."

"Hey, you never know." Eunbyul said. "The show isn't over. There could be twists that could change the whole results."

"Are you hinting at something unnie?!" Leah asked.

"The world will never know." Eunbyul said, winking at the camera.

"Alright, alright." Ryujin snickered at her younger hosts. "Let's move onto 2nd place."

The hosts looked at their cue cards and tried not to show reactions but they couldn't help but do so.

"What a twist!" Leah exclaimed.

The camera showed the trainees practically on the edge of their seats.

"In 2nd place...with a total of 1,950,000 votes...is..." Eunbyul paused for a long moment. She couldn't help but grin at the trainees' reactions. "In 2nd place is...somebody who has been at the very top for the whole show. 2nd place is trainee #5, Park Junwon."

The camera showed Junwon and his brother Howon who was beside him. Both of their jaws were dropped while Junwon stared at the stage and Howon at his brother. Neither of them knew what to think.

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