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Simon pov:

"How much longer is this going to take?" whined Wille, resting his head on the table for a moment before I nudged him. "I'm wondering the same thing. Still, please sit properly." I said with a smile and wrote down the solution to the third task on my sheet. Wille straightened up and squinted slightly at my paper.
"What do..."

"Whoever is interrupting, please stop." the teacher said, looking at Wille and then around the class. Wilhelm nodded unobtrusively and smirked. He turned his paper to the white page and wrote something, then slid it over to me. I pushed it right back because I knew what was on it.

I took my arm back so that Wille could read my solutions. He laughed softly and quickly scribbled down the solutions before we were dismissed from class. "Finally." I heard Wille say before he took my hand and pulled me behind him until we stepped into the slightly fresh yet warm summer air.

I closed my eyes for a moment and stopped to enjoy the moment, feeling the sun in my face and the warm and still cold wind blow into my face. When I opened my eyes again, I saw Wille looking at me with a slightly tilted head and a slight grin on his lips, as if I were the center of the universe.

He reached for my hand again. "Shall we?" he asked. I nodded and we walked the rest of the way to Forest Ridge, trying to get in as much sun as possible.
The days before it was always a bit grayish in the sky but still warm. It was almost unnerving.

When Wille closed the door behind him, he put his school supplies on the desk and snatched mine out of my hand aswell. "They'll stay here until we come back Sunday." he said, grabbing his gym bag that I had seen the day before. "Are you, or apparently we, up to something I should know about?" I asked laughing as we left the building again. "Yep. You'll see the rest soon enough."

In front of Forest Ridge there was a car that I knew all too well by now. "Hello Malin." Wille said smiling after he threw his bag into the trunk and we sat together in the back seat. "Crown prince." said Malin happily. The good weather probably has a magical effect.

The sun continued to shine through the car window as we drove home to Wille. It still felt strange to say that. Wille's home. It was a castle after all.
"Does the castle feel like home to you?" I asked after my thoughts without thinking. "Sorry, it was a stupid question," I said, trying to move away from Wille.
"Not a stupid question," he said, pulling me closer to him than before "justified sounds better. It's my home, sort of. Sometimes at least. But since Erik isn't here anymore, it hardly feels that way most of the time. Hillerska and your house are more home by now." He laughed nervously and I squeezed his hand lightly.

We looked deeply into each other's eyes for a moment. A smile formed on Wille's lips and I smiled along with him.
"Crown Prince," Malin interrupted the moment, "We are here."

Wille jumped out of the car and pulled me after him. I almost fell down, but like a prince (duh) he caught me. "Don't fall down. I have plans for and with you." he said and I blushed a little. He gave me a quick kiss on the forehead before pulling me towards the castle.

He led me through corridors, greeting people by name that I had never seen in my life before. And I had been to the castle many times. At one point, Wille pulled me into the family's small private kitchen. "Have you been here before? I don't remember at all." Wille questioned and I nodded slightly. He walked around the room and gathered a few things together but I didn't really pay attention.

Whenever I was in the castle, I liked to look at the pictures. Whether it was artwork on the wall, or the private ones in the smaller private rooms. Especially when I found children's photos of little Wilhelm with or without Erik. He looked so happy in them, even if you could see the facade crumbling in some of them.

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