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After last time's dogfighting session that left me and rose in the hospital for a day or two, I can't be bothered to try to figure all that shit out when I have a more important mission ahead of me.

'Rose, how we doing back there?' Eager to know my mouth likes to act first and think later, got me in alot of shit once that I have to be pulled off the guy before I broke his face.

'All set here' I hear the reply I want to hear for once.

'No issues or anything' I ask, paranoid from what happened last time.

'Absolutely nothing wrong back here, you know that'

'Ready?' Payback, Fanboy?'

'Awaiting your command cap'n'

Im gonna kill Bagman in a moment, mental note: kill Bagman's ego again.

I hear the snickers through comms.

'Shut up passy ass wetrags'

Taking a not or 2 from one of my favourite horror characters ever, the great and mighty Randy Meeks.

'OooooOOo' Rose laughs behind me,

'Alright enough chat, starting session'

'Maps already, know what you're doing, Ams'

'Yes and no but who cares lets get on with this simulation, I havr to kill Bagman in a bit'

The map shows up on the screen infront of me and we start.

200 ft is our current height and 600 knots is our current speed, time to target 2 minutes 47 seconds.

Turn after turn hits up making it feel as if my skull is caving in constantly like tonnes of bricks are being pushed down on my forehead.

Black starts to invade my eyes but i push it away,

Turn, turn, turn, turn.

I hear the groans of Rose and my own all around me like a blanket of fog with no end.

Time to target 1 minute 28 seconds.

NO, no no no No, im behind by 3 seconds

'Increase speed to 630 knots'


'Increase speed to 630 knots'


This is seriously pissing me off, I have to win this, now.

'Increase speed, now' I say more stern than before, I know Rose is currently getting nervous because I can feel her eyes staring into the back of my head like an eagle stalking it's prey.

'Increasing speed'

That little banter costed us 7 seconds.

Speed:630 knots
Time to target: 39 seconds
Time behind: 10 seconds

No, I will not fail.(A/N yeah right..)

We got there eventually, I heard Rose, Fanboy and Payback celebrating but I couldn't, I failed.

I was 10 seconds late.

10 seconds.

If that was real, we'd be dead. 5th gens would have shot us down.

I still have to kill Bagman.

'Hurry please, I have to kill Bagman in a sec'

Laughs erupt around me, always got to have some humour in times like these.

I chuckle as I imagine Bagman running away from me with a knife in my hand on a beach when the sun is setting whilst the group sit back and have ice-creams.

Ben and Jerry's ice-cream is to die for.

Now I'm getting hungry.

'Alright, heading back to base'

Sharpshot- Bradley 'Rooster' BradshawWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt