Dad puts his newspaper down immediately and exchanges a glance with Mum. "Of course, son. What's on your mind?"

"Well, erm," I start. I've thought about how to say this for weeks, and there's still just a jumble of thoughts in my brain all trying to get out first. I decide to just start and see where it goes. "Well, I've been learning a lot about myself this term. That...probably sounds cliche and strange, but I have. I've, er, had more time with taking a step back at work and really trying to put myself first more. It's not easy. But I have...figured some stuff out." I glance up to find them staring expectantly at me. Mum has a smile on her face, and Dad's got that attentive look he gives to his students when they come in asking for help. "I'm, erm, bisexual." There it is. Out in the open. There. On the table.

Dad chuckles and turns to look at Mum. "You owe me five quid." Mum sighs deeply and leaves the kitchen. It takes me a moment to find my tongue, and she's already back and handing Dad a fiver before I wrap my mind around what I'm seeing.

"You bet on me?" I ask, more incredulous than anything

"It was not my finest moment," Mum says, pressing her lips together like she's trying not to smile too widely.

"You bet that I'm bisexual?" I ask, still not entirely comprehending. This is not the reaction I had imagined. There were several scenarios that I thought might play out, and this never even entered my mind.

Dad folds the fiver in half and tucks it in his back pocket. "No, we bet on when you were going to tell us you were...well, gay but bisexual works, too."

"Mm," Mum hums. "Actually, we specifically said gay. I think that makes the bet void."

"I mean, if you're going to get technical, you bet me that he was going to tell us he was dating Finley before Easter," Dad counters. "He hasn't told us he's dating Finley. He's just told us he's bisexual. He could be dating Max for all we know. Or someone else."

"Max isn't gay."

"He could be bisexual."

I hold up my hands to get their attention. "Oi. I'm not dating Max. I am dating Finley. And I can't believe the two of you bet on me."

"We were just curious when you'd come tell us, that's all," Mum says, reaching across the table to take my hand.

"We bet on when Marley would propose to Mel," Dad says. "I won that one, too."

I stare between them, still trying to get my brain to catch up. " knew?"

Mum shrugs, brushing the back of my hand with her thumb. "We didn't know for sure. Until now, of course. But we suspected. You and Finley have gotten awfully close, closer than you and Max have and he lives here. And there were just little things, you know? Times I could tell you weren't telling us everything."

"How long?"

They exchange another glance, and it's Dad that answers. "Well, at least since Elly and Finley came over during that snow week. You couldn't stop looking at him." My face burns, and I'm sure I'm blushing all the way to my hairline. "But there were things before that. At the time, we just thought it was because you were all clicking really well, becoming fast friends. And we know how loyal you are to your friends. But knowing this now...looking back...all the signs were there."

"So, you've suspected since...since before Finley and I even got together?" I say, mostly to myself. "Since before I told him anything?"

"I guess so," Mum says. "But we wanted you to tell us when you were ready."

I'm speechless. Absolutely speechless. I shouldn't be this surprised. Amelia figured it out, and we spend the same amount of time here as we do there. And Mum is so observant it's scary sometimes. Of course, they'd never pressure me into saying anything before I was ready. Because apparently, I was super lucky when I was dealt my parents.

Not A Temporary Love | Finley & Harlyn #1Where stories live. Discover now