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"Oh my god Hobi! You killed him!" A seven year boy exclaimed looking at his dead fish,

"What the hell!! No i didn't." Hoseok tried to defend himself making the other glare at him,

"Yes, you did, you feed him that..." The boy paused, "Whatever that is and he died, you killed him." The younger accused,

"Stop it Namjoon, i just fed him fish food, how did that killed him?" Hoseok questioned but the younger ignored him,

"My precious Goldie." Namjoon sadly said looking at his now dead fish,

Suddenly the door opened revealing Namjoon's mother with a tray of food in her hands,

"Momma Hobi killed Goldie." Namjoon accused with a sniff and Hoseok glared at him,

"No aunty i didn't, he just died out of nowhere." Hoseok defended himself and Mrs. Kim smiled and bend down infront of Namjoon.

"You see Joonie Goldie had gotten old that's why he died baby, Hoseok didn't killed him." Mrs. Kim assured the boy,

"He didn't?" Namjoon asked and Mrs. Kim shook her head, Namjoon looked at the other feeling guilty,

But before he could say something Hoseok spoke with a bright smile, "i forgive you Joonie."


"Oh my god Namjoon! how did you went there!" Hoseok yelled looking at the 10 year old boy who somehow managed to stuck himself between a pile of big rocks,

"I... Um... There was a crab." Namjoon nervously replied while fidgeting with his fingers,

Hoseok let out a deep sigh, "come on bub." The boy carefully went towards the younger pulling him out of the rocks,

The rock's sharp angles have bruised younger's legs and pals making him hiss in pain,

Hoseok brought him home cleaning the wounds making sure it won't get infected,

Namjoon hissed in the pain and grabbed older's hand tightly and Hoseok smiled at him saying comforting things while cleaning the wounds.


"Joonie would you go with me?" Hoseok asked the 13 year old boy who looked up from his book at the older and shook his head,

"You know how i feel about going in the parties Hobi, i can't do it, i can't go, I'm sorry." The younger said feeling guilty but Hoseok gave him a smile,

The smile wasn't bright as usual it had a hint of disappointed in it but Namjoon decided not to think about it,

"Sure Joonie, i don't want to make you uncomfortable." Hoseok replied and ruffled younger's hair.


Hoseok was standing infront of Namjoon's house, he needed answers,

The boy Haven't seen his bestfriend for a week, the boy came towards the door knocking,

Mrs. Kim opened the door and smiled when she saw Hoseok, "come inside sweetie." Mrs. Kim said with a sweet voice and Hoseok complied,

"Aunty Namjoon?" Hoseok asked and Mrs. Kim's face turned sad,

"I don't know what is happening with him Hoseok, he just doesn't want to see or meet people." Mrs. Kim looked down at her hands,

"We had to homeschooled him as he refuse to go to school." Hoseok looked at Mrs. Kim shocked,

Hoseok felt disappointed in himself, there was so much happening with his bestfriend and he didn't even had a clue, what kind of friend he was?

He would have noticed when Namjoon started cutting himself off from the world, when he started rejecting every single time when Hoseok asked him to hangout,

When the boy started avoiding people and Hoseok wondered what caused the cheerful happy Namjoon to turn like this?


Even after three years Hoseok tried to keep in contact with the younger but it seemed impossible,

The boy used to pickup his phone and reply to his text but for a year there's nothing,

No calls, no text it was like Namjoon just disappeared from his life but the boy put no mind to it,

Hoseok have many friends so it was easy for the sunshine boy to forget about the loner friend he once had.


This is the last book I'm making, i promise.
I'm not gonna make anymore books until i complete atleast half of my previous books.



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