Chapter 27- Cleaning day

Start from the beginning

"What happened here a tornado?" Flora asked looking around.

"A tough battle just ended and I won by a landslide." Stella bragged.

"Liar." Bloom said laughing.

"I won." Musa said.

"What a wreck." Flora said angry.

"But, I must say, I do feel kind of sad that I wasn't invite to this war." Ruby joked kicking a bucket.

"We'll never finish this part." Tecna said.

"I dare say, not." Griselda said entering the hall.

Ruby groaned annoyed.

Seriously, is this woman everywhere?

"I'm here to let you know that this evening at the Magix's auditorium there will be a concert which the whole of Alfea will attend." Griselda informed.

"Great, I love concerts." Stella said cheerfully.

"However you six will have to miss it." Griselda said pretending to be sorry. "You haven't finished cleaning yet. Now get back to work."

Once she was away Ruby picked up a broom from the floor.

"I swear to God, Imma stick this broom up that woman's ass one of these days." Ruby threatened making the others giggle, knowing she didn't actually mean it.

The girls went to clean the hallways and when they were finished they saw through the window the students going into buses that would take them to the concert. Ruby saw Griselda look back at the school with a smirk so she sent her the middle finger without her seeing.

"Well, they're all gone." Bloom said with a sad expression once the buses left.

"I always feel sad when the school is empty." Musa said.

"Why would you, Muse? I think it could be fun." Ruby said looking around the empty hallway, already planning what she would do to those walls.

"Ruby don't even think about it." Bloom threatened. "We're not cleaning the whole school so you can feel it up with graffiti."

Ruby rolled her eyes.

"Hey, what do you say we ask the boys to join us?" Stella proposed with a smirk.

"I say no." Ruby said with a serious look.

"Oh come one, Rubes. It could be fun." Stella said.

"Yeah, for you." Ruby said with an eyeroll.

"Yeah, why not?" Flora asked sarcastically. "Then when we get caught we'll be grounded to infinity."

"I think it's a great idea." Bloom said. "Sure, they could help us with the cleaning."

Ruby hummed.

"Never thought I could think of something which boys are useful for." She mumbled to herself.

"But, it's like cheating, isn't it?" Tecna asked.

"So?" Ruby said. "At least it would be done."

"It's not cheating." Bloom said with a sneaky smile. "Griselda said no magic, no techno gadget. Did not say no flesh and blood."

"Of course." Stella said dropping the bucket and broom in her hands on the floor. "And then, when we're done cleaning, we can have a nice party."

Musa also dropped her cleaning tools on the floor.

"It's a wonderful idea." She said.

"I can't wait." Bloom exlaimed.

The two friends cheered and they quickly went to call the specialists saying that it was an emergency. Ruby noticed Flora in a corner looking concerned.

"Everything alright, Buttercup?" Ruby asked her, calling her by the new nickname she came up with.

"Yeah but, I can't help but feel that it's wrong to cheat." Flora answered.

"Look, cheating is wrong in many ways. Like, in an exam or a game or, even worse, in a relationship but, when it's like cheating to get something innocent, such as cleaning, done quickly it's not wrong at all. You don't want to spend the night cleaning, do you?"

"No, of course not."

"Then, and I really hate to say this, the boys are what we need now." Ruby said and then cringed at her own words. "God, this was so awful to say.

Flora giggled.

"Thank you, Ruby. You can always bring a smile to my face.." 

Ruby smiled blushing.

"They're here." Stella squealed happily and ran outside to greet them. The news ruined Ruby's humor immediately.

"You gotta be kidding me, already?" Ruby groaned making Flora giggle.

"I think I just heard you say that the boys are what we need right now."

"Yeah but, not so quickly. My mind still needed time to accept the idea." 

Flora giggled again.

"It's always a pleasure seeing you too, Ruby." Prince Sky said from behind them.

Ruby turned around and sent him a fake smile.

"I know, I'm amazing." Riven laughed making Ruby glare at him. "What's so funny, dumbass."

"The fact that you actually think you're worth anything. You're delusional." Riven said laughing.

"Riven, don't start." Brandon scolded.

Glaring at the magenta haired boy and ignoring how much his words actually hurt her, Ruby approached him.

"I wish I was delusional." Ruby told him. "I wish I was delusional and that you were just a simple product of my imagination and that you are not actually here but, oh..." The redhead poked him in the chess so hard that he stepped back. "You're here and your ugly face is actually something that exists in this world. There's no salvation to human kind."

Everyone laughed except for Riven and Ruby who shared glares.

"So, where's the party?" Brandon said, trying to prevent a fight between the fairy and the Specialist.

"Right over there, come." Bloom said pulling Ruby away from Riven.

The group went towards the entry hall, which was the only room left to clean, and Musa turned on the radio and picked up a mop, wetted it with water and started sweeping the floor. 

"It's not hard, just do it like this." She said happily dancing while sweeping. "Soap down, rinse and dry. And then..." She finished her little dance by putting the mop back in the bucket with a little twirl.

"Uh, wasn't this supposed to be a party?" Riven asked.

"It will start as soon as we're finished cleaning. Here." Bloom said, throwing a mop at Brandon and then at Prince Sky and Timmy, who clumsily catched it. She threw her last mop at Riven who didn't make a single movement to grab it so, it fell to the floor.

"We'll work better with some music on." Flora said putting the volume of the radio higher.

"And all together now." Musa said calling them all. "Soap, rinse, dry."

"Soap, rinse, dry." Bloom, Stella, Brandon and Sky sang all together while dancing and sweeping at the same time. "Soap, rinse, dry." Soon, Tecna and Flora joined them on their little party.

Riven and Ruby, though, leaned against opposite walls, staring at thei friends, cringing.

"This went from boring to a complete stupidity." Ruby said looking at her friends, her sister and the other boys' foolishness.

"I know right, this is beyond stupid." Riven agreed.

The two cringed even more while looking at each other with horror in their faces. Did they really just agree with one another? They looked at each other up and down, twice, before looking back at the others.

At least this cleaning shit will end fast.

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