Chapter 4

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"I asked them to make it light so that you'd feel better."

"No, everything is so good. I guess I was just really nervous. Thank you for your concern."

What here doesn't suit my taste?

The scent of the cherry jam applied smoothly on the thin bread, hot onion soup, and fish meat covered with an unknown sauce was absolutely tempting.

I was always madly hungry.

It's not that I never wanted to eat, but that I ate at a place where I had no choice but to throw up.

In that sense, it was rather more comfortable to have a ball-like event.

In that sense, it was rather more comfortable to have a ball-like event.

No one cared about who ate what in those events.

The only person who could control me was myself.

Ellenia, who stared at me for a while, smiled like a happy child, and soon told me to finish up.

After a while, the empty plates were taken away. A fragrant tea and a simple dessert came out.

"As you know, here in Elendale, it's crowded every summer, so I ask for your understanding that my brother might be a little late. My father will not return to the capital until the end of the month due to political issues. I'm sorry for the lack of hospitality."

"Oh, no, I'm fine, I do not mind it."

"Since my mother's death, I've been living in this mansion. I was in charge of the housekeeping, but I can change it to the Lady's preference. If you don't like it or if you're uncomfortable with it, you can ask a maid to switch things."

Ah, 'the Lady'. A strange and awkward title.

I pretended to fiddle with the teacup, my eyes gazing downwards.

"Thank you for your consideration, but I'd rather it stay the same for a while. I'm not used to the customs here yet and I'm afraid I'll get in trouble if I go too far."

With that impassive look on her face, Ellenia, who had put the teacup down, stared straight at me again.

"There's nothing to worry about. No one would dare think of you like that."

Formal words. Businesslike reactions.

Nevertheless, there were signs of her being surprised and anxious. I smiled innocently as if I didn't know anything and changed the subject.

" More importantly, I'd like to ask you something else."

"Feel free to ask me anything

"Can you just call me Ruby for the time being?"

Ellenia did not immediately reply.

I looked carefully at her perfect poker face and pretended to swallow in nervousness

"As you know, I'm a stranger here, and even though I knew what was coming, I'm honestly clueless of how I'll adjust. If I had someone like you as a friend, I'd have a lot of courage..."

"All right."



"Uwah, thank you!"

As I leaned forward and held her hands with a wide smile, I felt her trembling. I quickly let go of her hands and moved away, stuttering embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, I'm being rude."

"It's fine."

"T-then can I call you Ellen?"

"It would be nice to be comfortable with each other."

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